#it doesnt


I’m not the biggest “The Silence of the Girls” fan, though I do tend to find its flaws interesting rather than infuriating so that is something.

But, the idea that this book is an “overly harsh” portrayal of Achilles where he’s just the villain… The book literally interrupts Briseis’s narration in order to give Achilles a voice and explanation of his outlook and pretty pointedly emphasizes that Achilles’ actions towards Briseis are not really better (well maybe except for Agamemnon) or worse than any of the other men in the Greek army (albeit that’s to serve a wider point not necessarily to soften Achilles). Like it’s true… at no point does the book point at Achilles and go “he’s a victim too” but surely there’s some gray area between that and one note villain.

I got home late. Said I’d draw after doing ffxiv dailies. Fell half asleep in a raid and replied “mary kondo” to whatever my bf was saying. It was not the correct reply. Worse still, I have no recollection of this conversation. I have been sent to bed.
