#it fits



Isaac “I wanna believe in romance, but first let me read this book” Henderson


Fighting a giant monster




Monster turns into a giant raven


@swordandstars gave to the fountain fundraiser and requested: the world needs more good Discworld fic in it. (Mr. Vimes/Night Watch if you need a particular direction.) 

Title: The Blue Gargoyle

Rating: General

Notes: I couldn’t stop thinking about how Pterry would have handled the years 2016-2022 and it made me sad because he would have done such a good job of it and lifted so many spirits. But this is my take on how he might have handled certain issues arising with Twitter…

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“Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of eq

“Humankind cannot gain anything without first giving something in return. To obtain, something of equal value must be lost.” - Alphonse Elric; Fullmetal Alchemist

Been MIA for a while since I’ve been busy these past few days, I’ll probably be back tomorrow! <3

Currently joining INKtober, BTW! All my entries are gonna be posted in my instagram (artwork above was my 4th day entry)

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Wait, what happened between picture 2 and picture 3? Because in picture 2 that hamster is opening itWait, what happened between picture 2 and picture 3? Because in picture 2 that hamster is opening itWait, what happened between picture 2 and picture 3? Because in picture 2 that hamster is opening it

Wait, what happened between picture 2 and picture 3? Because in picture 2 that hamster is opening it’s mouth wide to fit the treat inside and clearly there is no way it could fit, no possible way at all, and then suddenly it is just in there. 

“It fits” (the hamster says)

Apparently so, but HOW?!?!?

(hamsters are magic. Strange, rodential magic. If you keep one in your pocket you have your own person bag-of-all-holding that is sneaky rogue companion AND a dark god besides!)

(images by hammilkhua on instagram)

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