#it is tho


Dark Angel was basically an A/B/O story.


tumblrs cardinal sin is being tumblr



What is dat *aggressively scuttles* 


I still contend that this is, in fact, the best video on the internet, period. The sheer comedic timing. The knowledge that it cannot possibly have been constructed. The very human expression Pallas cats’ round pupils give them. And the backstory that this was literally the first footage captured by this camera in this placement, that this is the cat immediately noticing his environment has been changed and investigating with all the suspicion of a grumpy old gardener whose gnomes have been moved again…. *chef’s kiss*

#it is tho    #pallas cat    


Bugsnax is literally just cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2


The alien is Adamus from Lorien Legacies and that’s canon.





Yesterday I confused a friend because I called him sir and he was like ??? why are you calling me sir we’re friends? And i had to explain that sir is not a word its a feeling. my mac shutting down for no reason is sir. My cat is sir. My pair of jeans is sir. An email that finds me unwell is sir. Two bugs outside my window are sirs.


  • sir please stop eating plastic
  • sir do you really have to do this right now
  • sir *intense stare*
  • my good sir stop that right now
  • sir why are you just standing in the way
  • (warningly) sir…
  • please listen to me sir
  • (tiredly) sir please.


*me, at the squirrel emptying the bird feeder that I Just Refilled, spilling seeds onto the ground without eating them*

Ma'am, please
