#it seems like im someone of omportant for them

alice-chan-chan:So, today is @kainight92‘s birthday but we haven’t seen her online for so long… (╯


So, today is @kainight92‘s birthday but we haven’t seen her online for so long… (╯︵╰)

DearFrancy-chan! If by any chance you happen to visit tumblr today, here’s my smol message to you.

Happy birthday! (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*: ・゚Whatever you are doing now, I hope you’re fine. My best wishes to you, my dear friend! Even if you do not plan to come back to tumblr, I still remember you and pray for your well-being and happiness. I hope you are loved and cherished IRL and on whatever sites you are visiting now. So, may all the troubles disappear from you, and may your life be peaceful and nice! (◡‿◡✿)

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