#so thank you

alice-chan-chan:So, today is @kainight92‘s birthday but we haven’t seen her online for so long… (╯


So, today is @kainight92‘s birthday but we haven’t seen her online for so long… (╯︵╰)

DearFrancy-chan! If by any chance you happen to visit tumblr today, here’s my smol message to you.

Happy birthday! (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*: ・゚Whatever you are doing now, I hope you’re fine. My best wishes to you, my dear friend! Even if you do not plan to come back to tumblr, I still remember you and pray for your well-being and happiness. I hope you are loved and cherished IRL and on whatever sites you are visiting now. So, may all the troubles disappear from you, and may your life be peaceful and nice! (◡‿◡✿)

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“I fucking love every single one of you with my whole heart.”the journey of falling in love with t“I fucking love every single one of you with my whole heart.”the journey of falling in love with t“I fucking love every single one of you with my whole heart.”the journey of falling in love with t

“I fucking love every single one of you with my whole heart.”

the journey of falling in love with these boys and their music has changed my world. without it, and without every single one of you, I don’t know if I would have made it through my darkest days. but I have // you’re alive // and I want to thank you from the very bottom of my heart. I have met the most kind and sincere and inspiring people through this music, and am lucky enough to call a handful of them some of my very closest friends (hugs and kisses to the moon and more). I don’t think I can properly convey how much the smiles and laughs and genuine happiness you have all brought me throughout my time on this blog really means to me. even the littlest kind messages and sweet anons have pulled me away from terrible places, so if we have ever spoken, I promise I remember it - I remember you - and again, thank you. 

my letter to you as I continue to sort out this wild ride we know as life, and the most important things I’ve learned since these boys crashed into mine - you are not defined by anyone but yourself // if someone chooses to treat you less than the person you are, walk away // be a riot, be what they never saw coming // go to that show, even if you have to go alone // kiss them // you are worth it // tell them how you really feel // it is all about human connection // look up at the world, see the sky, put your phone away // write down beautiful things // everyone is broken // be considerate of others and don’t compare yourself to anyone // never leave the house without your headphones // a smile and ‘hello’ can be the beginning of a wonderful thing // you can never say 'I love you’ enough, so say it often, and don’t let them forget it // x

to the point of this all, I won’t be here anymore but I want you all to know you have challenged me to tackle the world, face so many of my fears and grow to be someone who is learning to love and respect herself enough to believe in herself and chase her dreams and really live, regardless of anyone or anything trying to stop her. thank you for your love, stay beautiful - you all are, more than you know.

I love you all too much, forever and always,


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My dad didn’t play video games. He was more of the type who would blame everything on video games when something was going wrong in my life. It kind of had a huge hindrance on my childhood.

Still, I’ll never forget the one time he sat down to play a video game with me. I was downstairs in the basement, 12 years old. As usual, I was loading up Call of Duty: Black Ops. I remember needing to beg my Mom to buy it for me. All the kids at school were playing it and I needed to see what all the hype was about. She got it for me after a while of childish persistence. I sucked at it, but man was it fun. Anyways, I hadn’t really loaded into the game quite yet, so I was sitting on the multiplayer menu screen when my dad walked in. I’m going to paraphrase here, surely this isn’t what was actually said.

“So what’s all the excitement about this game anyways?” Dad asked. I was fully expecting him to shit on it, like he usually shits on video games. I’m not even quite sure why he bought the PlayStation 3 in the first place. I don’t think he expected me to latch on to it quite as hard as I did, and I’m pretty sure he regretted buying it.

“It’s just an arcadey shooter game,” I said, trying to downplay it in an effort to keep him from going on some spiel about me being too young for the violence it featured. “No big deal.”

“Well, how do you play it?”

I was confused. I’m not sure what was hard to understand about the fact it was a shooter game, so I told him you had to eliminate your enemies to win.

“I know that, you dork. I meant how can I play it with you? Is it two player?”

I was kind of stunned, but immediately a huge grin crept across my face. I handed him our second controller, usually piloted by my brother. I loaded up Nuketown, where else would we go? Just a regular old Team Deathmatch game.

That’s when my dad reminded me he had no idea how to play video games, it was actually pretty funny. You know how old people are when they try video games, especially an FPS. Newcomers have a really hard time wrapping their head around how to walk and look at the same time. I couldn’t understand why it was so difficult for him then, but it makes sense to me now.

So I had to quit the match. It was too difficult. I didn’t expect him to be so bad at it. This time I loaded it up just with him and I. One Versus One.

We just met in the middle of the map, near the school bus. I was trying to help him get the hang of walking around. Eventually he kind of got it a little bit, not really, but enough to progress on to something else. I put down my tactical respawn thingy, and started making janky movements so he could to practice shooting. He mostly missed, but would kill me every once in awhile. It was fun.

That’s it. That’s all we did. Had it been with a friend from school, I probably would have been frustrated with my friend and definitely wouldn’t have remembered that day. Since it was my dad though, my dad who hated video games, it’s one of my fondest memories and I don’t even think he knows it.


Some people were wondering how he looks under the hazmat suit, and I was about to say the same as in canon, but who cares about the canon, let’s have some fun design instead.

So right after losing the suit he is in a form that has a lot of energy and also space themed bc why not

and as those energy levels stabilize, he starts to look more like a halfa

@lexiepiper YOU! You get it.

kenkit:kateordie:I became obsessed with this recipe by comixbookgurl (I stole her photo, mine dikenkit:kateordie:I became obsessed with this recipe by comixbookgurl (I stole her photo, mine di



I became obsessed with this recipe by comixbookgurl (I stole her photo, mine didn’t look quite as perfect) this week. I made a comic, playing around with Manga Studio and done all on tablet again.

Eat this. I swear to Zeus. It will change you.

I really want to try this~

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I’m gonna be blunt: you bring little worth to a friendship if you’re apathetic toward the good in your friends’ lives. If you shrug when they come to you with little things that they’re happy about, they will eventually stop coming to you with anything and you’ll wonder why that relationship feels stale. Practice genuine excitement with the people in your life. If you see a friend try to downplay how excited they are about something just be like “yoooo! This is a cool thing! You’re a lovely person and you deserve lovely things! I love you!“ 

I think it’s easy to be someone people complain to, but it’s just as if not more important to be someone they know they’re allowed to be excited and proud and happy around.

A series of tags that say, "#like not feeling jealous when people told me good things that were happening to them was something had to PRACTICE #I had to practice being happy and excited for people until got where am now where it feels like second nature #I hate people who act like positivity is something that just comes to you naturally #no you have to fucking choose to be #every day again and again and again #notes"

Alt text added

Important ^^^


lysidas:Happy belated Birthday @luffik!Thank you for your patience and the amazing stories you creat


Happy belated Birthday @luffik!

Thank you for your patience and the amazing stories you create with @zlukaka!

I love your characters to pieces and hope this Aki & Shaazgai drawing shows it. They are so lovely and only deserve the best.

Characters are from the novel City and the Beast.
Find out more at @cityandthebeast

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