#it was an experience





We went out yesterday. To a show. At a bar. And there was a pit. And it didn’t end till after midnight. As an old person with a fucked up brain, it was a complex experience. Also, I’m never getting out of bed. It’s comfy here.

Delightful ppl watching highlights:

  • So many fun piercings and tattoos, I got major body mod envy… stretched septums, dimple piercings, tunnels… A LOTR bicep piece that showed the huge battle in crazy detail, a steak in the shape of a heart, so many awesome chest pieces…
  • A fabulous pair of high-waisted green pants
  • A yellow t-shirt that said “I’d rather be drinking piss”
  • A band shirt/bandana headband/leopard print leggings combo on a guy who was also rocking an ‘80s metal-inspired hairdo
  • A pink dress with kitties on it under a denim vest that was so stinkin cute and in a large size, so I wonder if it was handmade
  • A lot of plus-size outfits that totally slayed and were being worn by ppl with big smiles who looked so comfortable
  • A Garth Brooks t-shirt
  • Ppl who looked like ppl we know from our birth state… uncanny
  • Innumerable wallet chains
  • An impressive battle vest with all black and white patches and this pin on the front:
  • A girl with a bit of a limp who made me feel better about limping my ass in there and sitting down for most of the show when there was limited seating… I love you, ma'am…
  • A bartender’s battle vest with some cool hand-painted stuff on the back
  • A green canvas tactical fanny pack paired with a Buc-ee’s Hawaiian shirt
  • A guy who looked a lot like one of my uncles, but with an objectively, genuinely incredible mullet. Srsly it was so soft and feathered. Sir, what conditioner do you use?!?! And then he turned out to be with one of the bands, and he played like his hands were possessed with a bored expression. Younger me would’ve let him cop a feel, ngl.

That part was so fun. I suggested making band shirt bingo cards at some point, bc seeing all the bands ppl love is awesome.

honestly the peoplewatching is so great.

There were so many cute metalhead guys at my last show esp one Certified Short King that stashed his glasses on the stage near me while he moshed.
Also there was a girl I stood next to for most of the time with very long, neat dreadlocks who wore a bellydancer belt. I’ve never seen a combination of belly dancing and headbanging before, but she was absolutely killing it.

That sounds amazing!!!

I was not happy about the pit, ngl. We were 2 layers back, so we got some knocks by proxy. And the guy in front of me kept stepping back, literally onto my feet. I’m too old and rickety for that shit. SO shielded me as best as he could, and held my hand the whole time. And we were seated toward the back most of the show, so we weren’t in the crowd more than maybe an hr and a half. But by the time we left, my anxiety was

I mean, I also got touched a few times, and stuff like that, which contributed, bc I got one of Those™ brains. But the pit did get to me.


thanks for the tag, @flystarships!! 

rules: list your 5 favorite ships and tag 5 people 

i don’t really have favorite ships so, in no particular order, here are some that i like in general: 

1. Killugon (Killua x Gon from Hunter X Hunter) 

2. Maeve x Hector (from Westworld) 

3.Mileven (Mike and Eleven from Stranger Things) 

4.Ineffable Husbands (Crowley x Aziraphale from Good Omens) 

5. Ruby x Olivia (from On My Block) 


hey thanks @suddenlymute:D

to the tune of the fifth day of christmas: five favourite shipsssss:
(also i forgot what ships were halfway through the list and-)

  1. logince (logan x roman, sanders sides)
  2. zukka (zuko x sokka, avatar: the last airbender)
  3. merthur (merlin x arthur, merlin)
  4. garnet (ruby x sapphire, steven universe)
  5. johnlock (john x sherlock, sherlock)


 Dark red velvet, yes. With gold embroidery. It should be cut low in the front of course, we don&rsq Dark red velvet, yes. With gold embroidery. It should be cut low in the front of course, we don&rsq Dark red velvet, yes. With gold embroidery. It should be cut low in the front of course, we don&rsq Dark red velvet, yes. With gold embroidery. It should be cut low in the front of course, we don&rsq

Dark red velvet, yes. With gold embroidery. It should be cut lowin the front of course, we don’t want to hide your features.

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