#itadori drabble



Day 3: Itadori Yuuji - Love confession + “You didn’t have to scare me like that”

Pairing: Itadori Yuuji x Fem!Reader

Word Count: 724

A/N: This is inspired by a real life event I actually experienced adfjhjalkjwjn

Masterlist|Kicking Off 2022 OTP Challenge

Warm hands skim up your leg to rest on your hip where they squeeze the flesh through your uniform skirt as his mouth moves in tandem with yours. Both of your eyes are closed and the only thing that can be heard in the dark room are the sounds of lips smacking and shallow breathing.

You both lie on his bed with your limbs a tangled mess as you immerse yourselves completely in one another. It’s passionate and you feel so safe with him.

His fingertips dance across your spine, leaving sparks in their wake. This urges you to grab onto his hair a little tighter, eliciting a sweet moan from deep within his throat that you can feel reverberate against your chest. He responds by grasping you impossibly tighter, the hands on your hip and the back of your neck holding you in place as you allow him to devour you.

Nudging your head to angle upwards, he moves his focus to your jaw and down to your neck. How he finds the sweetest spot so quickly, you can’t even fathom.

“Y-Yuuji— ah—” your voice calling him, he decides it’s too much for him to handle and he covers your mouth with his own once again.

You take this opportunity to shift gears, using your grip on his hair to make space for you to launch your own attack at the base of his jaw. His sigh serves as an indicator that he’s almost scared of the power you hold over him.

“Mmhmph— wait—” he says. “Y-Y/N— ah— Y/N, wait.”

You start to slow down, eventually stopping with a final peck on his cheek and ask him, “I-Is everything okay?” You wonder if you did something wrong or accidentally went further than he was ready for.

His eyes capture yours as his hands shift to gently hold either side of your face. The clear moonlight streaming through the slits in the window streak across his features, making him look absolutely swoon-worthy. His gaze keeps you entranced and he smiles at you softly— an expression so different from his usually beaming smile. A softness only you get to see.

“What is it, Yuuji?”

“Aren’t I allowed to look at my beautiful girlfriend?” He says simply, smile growing wider as he tilts your head from side to side as though trying to examine every angle.

You laugh in response, “You’re so cheesy!”

He stops and looks at you with mock-seriousness. “Do you not like cheese?”

Before you can reply, his fingers lightly dig into your sides and start to wiggle until you laugh.

“Yu-Yuuji— s-stop!” you yelp as he tickles you mercilessly.

“Shhh! You’ll wake up the whole dorm!” he whisper-yells.

“T-Then sto-stop! Please!”

“Okay, okay,” He ceases fire, the attack subsiding. “But only because you said please.”

The shit eating grin that resides on his face makes you want to both slap and kiss him again.

“Hey, Y/N?”

You quirk up an eyebrow and imitate his strang tone, “Yes, Yuuji?”

“I love you,” he says it so quietly— which is so out-of-character for him, and you think you might have hallucinated. That sends you reeling as you replay it at hyperspeed over the span of a fraction of a second.

Still in shock, you accidentally blurt out a “What?!

His face absolutely drops. His eyes widen before the panic visibly sets into his features.

“Oh my go— I’m so sorry— I—” you stammer out, now panicking yourself at expressing such an inappropriate response to your boyfriend’s love confession.

“Y-You know i-if you don’t feel the same way, that’s o—”

“No! Yuuji, that’s not it,” you stop him, grabbing his face between your palms. You absentmindedly start to brush your thumb on his cheeks in a soothing manner. “I-I’m sorry, I was just surprised.”

“Y/N, if you don’t feel the same way yet that’s okay—”

“No, Yuuji, I love you too.”

He lets out a sigh of relief.

“You know…” he begins slowly, hands starting to pull you closer by your waist. “You didn’t have to scare me like that.”

“Sorry,” you mutter, averting your eyes downwards blushing out of utter embarrassment. He lets out a chuckle and starts to rub little circles on the skin under your shirt. “I’m never going to live this down, am I?”

“Not a chance.”
