

Long Time Coming

Day 5: Hatake Kakashi - After their first date + “Sorry… You’re just really adorable…”

Pairing: x Reader

Word Count: 507

A/N: oop i’ve fallen behind so here’s two in the same day!

Masterlist|Kicking Off 2022 OTP Challenge

You still can’t believe how natural it feels to have your fingers intertwined with his, despite it being the very first time you hold hands. In fact, you absolutely can’t believe that you’ve just had a date with Hatake Kakashi of all people. It was a long time coming but a war didn’t seem like the best time to go on your first date.

You’ve just arrived back in Konoha after attending a festival in a small neighboring village. After all, he is Hokage now and neither of you were too keen about having eyes follow you everywhere on your first official day as a couple.

Not yet ready to part ways, you both take a lap around the lake before he walks you back to your home. You both stop at your door and you turn to face Kakashi. It’s rare to see his hair tamed, and even more rare for him not to be sporting the basic ninja clothes. You quietly take him in as disbelief still courses through you, as though you might wake up from a dream.

“You’re staring,” he points out, which causes a heat to spread across your cheeks.

“Sorry… You’re just really adorable,” you admit, unable to maintain eye contact out of sheer embarrassment.

A finger finds its way under your chin and pushes gently to angle your face upwards, forcing your gaze to be captured by his. You slowly raise a hand to his cheek, stopping when your fingertips brush the edge of his mask, asking for permission. He wordlessly brings his own hand to cover yours, guiding you to tug down the fabric before your lips press against his. They part as soon as they meet, but the two of you don’t separate.

Kakashi leans his forehead on yours and lets his eyes open. Now it’s his turn to take you in: your lightly flushed cheeks, soft smile, and the way your eyelashes cast thin shadows on your skin.

“You’re staring.”

He lets out a small laugh before leaning down and kissing you again. Your bodies press close to each other as your mouths move in tandem. His hands move to gently cup either side of your face and your slide over his collarbones.

It feels so nice. He’s always had a way of making you feel safe; making you feel like you’re home. The fact that this first date of yours has been a long time coming, is now an afterthought as something much more important is brought to the forefront of your mind.

“Kakashi, I have something to tell you,” you pause to draw in a breath and muster up courage. “I love you— I-I’m love with you— I fell—”

“I fell in love with you a long time ago.”

His statement leaves you speechless.

“I love you, Y/N.”

You smile, glad you indulged your lack of patience. There’s a lot of time to make up for, you decide as you open your door and lead him through the entrance.

“I love you too, Kakashi.”

Stuck With Me

Day 4: Nara Shikamaru - Someone does something stupid + “You’re stuck with me, like it or not”

Pairing: Nara Shikamaru x Reader

Warnings: a bit of a fight scene? Vague description of serious injury

Word Count: 791

A/N: The reader specializes in teleportation ninjutsu~

Masterlist|Kicking Off 2022 OTP Challenge


“These aren’t just simple thugs,” Shikamaru echoes your exact thoughts.

Without another moment’s hesitation you launch yourself high into the air and fling out several kunai charged with your chakra. Not one of them comes close to hitting your enemies and you hear one of them shout to you, “Nice aim!” followed by mocking laughter. Little do they know, you did in fact hit all of your targets.

In the time it takes them to calm their laughter, you’ve already executed all the necessary hand signs and appear right between them in the next split-second. You manage to deliver a few quick jabs before taking one yourself, and you instinctively teleport yourself to another kunai as Shikamaru initiates his shadow manipulation jutsu.

It never ceases to amaze you when you see the dark tendrils sprout from his form. He wields them expertly, as he’s done so many times before. Just when you think he’s gotten a hold of them, they poof away in a cloud of smoke.

“Substitution jutsu,” you think aloud.

Your eyes dart all around to try and locate the rebel shinobi, but you don’t have to search for long. They both try to attack Shikamaru from behind, but he’s prepared for such a juvenile attempt.

The battle goes on with a steady flow of back-and-forth and is mostly filled with evasion tactics and light but quick attacks. You can feel your chakra resources depleting with the high amount of teleportation jutsu you’ve had to perform, and you can see your partner’s hands starting to get shaky.

You know very well that Shikamaru needs focus and precision for what he does. You also know that out of the two of you, you need to be the one to create the opening for him to be able to subdue the criminals. That’s exactly what you start to do until you see them coming at him from opposite directions, and he’s too tired to notice the one coming at him from his blindspot.

They’re fast, but you’re faster. You have one kunai left, better make it count. To you, you do make it count, but to anyone else you may come across as incredibly stupid. You whip your kunai towards Shikamaru and it hits the ground next to his feet. Channeling the last of your chakra, you quickly execute your teleportation jutsu.

You apparate on your marker just in time to cover Shikamaru’s back, but you failed to notice the extra dagger your enemy has yet to brandish. Until now, when it’s plunged to the hilt into your stomach.

An overwhelming wave of pain and adrenaline wash over you and allows you to create that opening for your partner to tangle both assailants in his shadows. You don’t stay awake long enough to see him capture the thugs.

The last thing you hear before being submerged in darkness is Shikamaru shouting your name. You manage the smallest smile, knowing that if he’s calling out to you like that, he must have won.

⭒ ⭒ ⭒ ⭒ ⭒

Blinding light shocks your senses and instantly introduces you to a headache when you wake up in a hospital bed. After a few seconds of situating yourself, you take notice of the warmth on your hand.

It’s Shikamaru. He’s safe, you think to yourself as you let out a sigh of relief. It quickly turns into a wince as you register the sharp pain in your midsection. The noise causes him to stir, and eventually wake up when he remembers where he is.

“Y/N,” his voice is adorably hoarse with sleep. “You’re awake.”

“So are you,” you chuckle.

“I should probably go get a nurse to take a—”

“Don’t go,” you speak softly, but there’s still a slight desperation in your tone. He gives your hand a comforting squeeze and nods as he relaxes into his seat.

“You really scared me, you know.”

“I’m sorry.” You offer him a lopsided smile.

“I-I just,” he stops to catch his breath. He brings up his other hand so that he holds yours between both of his palms before leaning down to press his lips to your knuckles. “I just don’t know what I would do if—”

“Hey, I’m not going anywhere,” you tell him, bringing him back down to earth, away from his endlessly spiraling thoughts. “You’re stuck with me, like it or not.”

His eyes meet yours and just when you think he’s spiraling again, he gives you a soft smile and leans forward to press his lips against yours in a sweet kiss. It’s short, but just like all his kisses, it leaves you with butterflies in your stomach and a warmed heart.

“Just so you know, you’re stuck with me too.”


Day 3: Itadori Yuuji - Love confession + “You didn’t have to scare me like that”

Pairing: Itadori Yuuji x Fem!Reader

Word Count: 724

A/N: This is inspired by a real life event I actually experienced adfjhjalkjwjn

Masterlist|Kicking Off 2022 OTP Challenge

Warm hands skim up your leg to rest on your hip where they squeeze the flesh through your uniform skirt as his mouth moves in tandem with yours. Both of your eyes are closed and the only thing that can be heard in the dark room are the sounds of lips smacking and shallow breathing.

You both lie on his bed with your limbs a tangled mess as you immerse yourselves completely in one another. It’s passionate and you feel so safe with him.

His fingertips dance across your spine, leaving sparks in their wake. This urges you to grab onto his hair a little tighter, eliciting a sweet moan from deep within his throat that you can feel reverberate against your chest. He responds by grasping you impossibly tighter, the hands on your hip and the back of your neck holding you in place as you allow him to devour you.

Nudging your head to angle upwards, he moves his focus to your jaw and down to your neck. How he finds the sweetest spot so quickly, you can’t even fathom.

“Y-Yuuji— ah—” your voice calling him, he decides it’s too much for him to handle and he covers your mouth with his own once again.

You take this opportunity to shift gears, using your grip on his hair to make space for you to launch your own attack at the base of his jaw. His sigh serves as an indicator that he’s almost scared of the power you hold over him.

“Mmhmph— wait—” he says. “Y-Y/N— ah— Y/N, wait.”

You start to slow down, eventually stopping with a final peck on his cheek and ask him, “I-Is everything okay?” You wonder if you did something wrong or accidentally went further than he was ready for.

His eyes capture yours as his hands shift to gently hold either side of your face. The clear moonlight streaming through the slits in the window streak across his features, making him look absolutely swoon-worthy. His gaze keeps you entranced and he smiles at you softly— an expression so different from his usually beaming smile. A softness only you get to see.

“What is it, Yuuji?”

“Aren’t I allowed to look at my beautiful girlfriend?” He says simply, smile growing wider as he tilts your head from side to side as though trying to examine every angle.

You laugh in response, “You’re so cheesy!”

He stops and looks at you with mock-seriousness. “Do you not like cheese?”

Before you can reply, his fingers lightly dig into your sides and start to wiggle until you laugh.

“Yu-Yuuji— s-stop!” you yelp as he tickles you mercilessly.

“Shhh! You’ll wake up the whole dorm!” he whisper-yells.

“T-Then sto-stop! Please!”

“Okay, okay,” He ceases fire, the attack subsiding. “But only because you said please.”

The shit eating grin that resides on his face makes you want to both slap and kiss him again.

“Hey, Y/N?”

You quirk up an eyebrow and imitate his strang tone, “Yes, Yuuji?”

“I love you,” he says it so quietly— which is so out-of-character for him, and you think you might have hallucinated. That sends you reeling as you replay it at hyperspeed over the span of a fraction of a second.

Still in shock, you accidentally blurt out a “What?!

His face absolutely drops. His eyes widen before the panic visibly sets into his features.

“Oh my go— I’m so sorry— I—” you stammer out, now panicking yourself at expressing such an inappropriate response to your boyfriend’s love confession.

“Y-You know i-if you don’t feel the same way, that’s o—”

“No! Yuuji, that’s not it,” you stop him, grabbing his face between your palms. You absentmindedly start to brush your thumb on his cheeks in a soothing manner. “I-I’m sorry, I was just surprised.”

“Y/N, if you don’t feel the same way yet that’s okay—”

“No, Yuuji, I love you too.”

He lets out a sigh of relief.

“You know…” he begins slowly, hands starting to pull you closer by your waist. “You didn’t have to scare me like that.”

“Sorry,” you mutter, averting your eyes downwards blushing out of utter embarrassment. He lets out a chuckle and starts to rub little circles on the skin under your shirt. “I’m never going to live this down, am I?”

“Not a chance.”

Too Hot

Day 2: Todoroki Shouto - Being somewhere you’re not supposed to be + “It’s too hot”

Pairing: Todoroki Shouto x Fem!Reader

Word Count: 1045

A/N: This takes place during the saving Bakugou arc and the reader has an endo/exothermic quirk wherein they absorb/emit thermal energy with the side effect of overheating and possibly fainting

Masterlist|Kicking Off 2022 OTP Challenge

After successfully evading those drunk creeps who so generously offered for you and Momo to drink with ‘a real man’ without having your cover totally blown, Todoroki has been absolutely glued to your side. If that narrow path was already barely walkable to begin with, he made it even harder to get through by stopping and asking you every two seconds if you were okay.

Normally, you might be more thankful that your enemy-turned-close-friend is being so protective of you in spite of his usually aloof nature, but right now you feel suffocated— both figuratively and literally. It was also a little embarrassing. Did he not think you could handle yourself? Not only was his behavior strange, but he was smothering you in a way he never had before and after the umpteenth time of him protectively ushering you behind him with one arm, you’d had enough.

“Shouto, enough!” you whisper-yell into his ear, not wanting to involve the whole team into it. “It was a mouse!”

“We still have to be careful,” he says simply, which only infuriates you more. But now isn’t the right time to hash it out, so you decide to wait until it is.

That right time never does come as everything after that unfolds at Mach 5: finding the hideout, the heroes taking over, and next thing you know, you’re absentmindedly clinging to Todoroki while watching the showdown between All Might and One For All on the big screen.

Now in the aftermath of it all, you realize that you were probably crushing his left hand and your quirk is causing you to overheat. Your grip loosens and in comes the dizziness. Todoroki notices you clutching your head and asks you once again if you’re okay. When you give an unclear nod-slash-shake, his hand tightens around yours as he leads you away from the crowd and into an alleyway.

“Shouto, w-we need to— B-Bakugou—”

“It’s okay, the others are escorting him back—”

“W-We shouldn’t b-be here— we’ll get caught—”

“Don’t worry about any of that,” he tells you, placing hands on your shoulders in an attempt to help you steady yourself. “It’s okay, just breathe, and tell me what’s—”

“I-It’s too hot…” you manage to mutter out, but still feel like if you lift your head too high, you might pass out as though you were the one to experience the United States of Smash.

He’s quick to act silently, bringing up his right hand to the back of your neck. Feeling his activated quirk brings you instant relief.

“It’s okay, you can go,” he urges you to release your built up heat, and you do so.

You slowly start to release all the thermal energy you’ve absorbed with Todoroki’s hand keeping you grounded. Ironically enough, the emission process leaves your heart feeling warm.

You finally let your eyes meet his letting him know you’re good and you suddenly remember tonight’s events.


“I told you to call me Shouto,” he reminds you, recalling when the two of you called a truce, and he asked you to call him Shouto to mark your new friendship.

“Shouto,” you begin with heat once again rising to your cheeks at the use of his first name. What happened tonight?”

“Well, we went to rescue Bakugou, and—”

“I’m not talking about that,” you stop him and he raises his eyebrows. Was he that oblivious in his own out-of-character behavior? “I’m talking about you being embarrassingly overprotective!” You can’t contain yourself anymore. “Do you not trust me to handle myself or contribute like everyone else? Look, I know I’m not as smart as Momo or as strong as—”

“That’s not it.” His hand that was still on your neck keeping you cool tenses up.

“Then… why?”

“I didn’t want what happened to Bakugou to happen to you too.”

You shake your head in response because the answer still doesn’t fully explain.

“And after those creeps—”

“You’ve never been like this before, Shouto,” you cut him off, looking him dead in the eye in a way that lets him know to cut the shit. “Tell me the truth.”

“Because I love you,” he breathes out so quietly, you think you might have misheard, before he starts speaking increasingly louder. “When Bakugou got taken, I wasn’t anywhere near you— a-and if anything happens to you I-I wouldn’t know what to do with myself!”

His explanation leaves you breathless.

“Did you just say…”

Of course you’re attracted to him, but you had never allowed yourself to think of him as a romantic prospect because, well… he’s Todoroki Shouto, the half-hot-half-cold prodigal son of the number two hero and one of the most hopeful prospects of UA, and you’re… you’re just you. Despite being promised that you had incredible potential, you barely got in and could barelykeep up with the rest of your class in the first semester. What good was incredible potential if you had such poor control over such a volatile quirk? Sure, Midoriya struggled too, but his unbelievable intelligence was at a level you couldn’t get close to.

“Did you just say that you love me?”

He nods silently.

So he really— wait. Although you’ve grown to ‘speak Shouto’ as your friends put it, you can’t bring yourself to understand whether he’s telling you that he loves you in the sense that he cares about you a lot because you’re close friends, or if he loves you as in, in love with you.

You can feel the heat start to emit from yourself once again as you settle on what is probably the most risky and irrational way to confirm his feelings. Pushing yourself up onto the tips of your toes, you don’t break eye contact with him until your eyes close when your lips meet his. Keeping it short, you pull away with your face burning in humiliation and refuse to meet his eyes again.

That is until his icy hand slides to the side of your face and he uses his thumb to nudge your head upwards where an irresistible magnetic force brings you to face his heterochromatic eyes.

“Does this mean you love me too?” Shouto asks you, looking calm despite his voice betraying him.

“Yes, Shouto, I love you too.”


You and Shouto jog back to catch up to you friends, hand in hand, your left holding his right. The two of you are greeted by four open jaws and double the amount of eyes staring at your linked hands.

“Who cares!” Bakugou shouts, “I was LITERALLY KIDNAPPED!!”

You’re Lucky You’re Cute

Day 1: Kageyama Tobio - Stuck together for a long period of time + “You’re lucky you’re cute”

Pairing: Kageyama Tobio x GN!Reader

Word Count: 993

A/N: Kicking off the the year with some kags <3

Masterlist|Kicking Off 2022 OTP Challenge

The door clicks shut with an ominous echo into the storage room.

“What was that?” you ask redundantly.

He replies with a silent shrug of his shoulders without even looking up from whatever it is he’s putting away.

Ignoring the sinking feeling in your gut, you indulge your denial and shake the handle anyways. That’s when you hear a ‘clink’ noise on the other side of the door, followed by the sound of the doorknob rolling away. Now the panic sets in as you face the reality that you are for sure stuck in the gym storage room with none other than Kageyama Tobio.

Not that it’s a problem per se… conversely, is it really that good though? The best way to describe your relationship with him is… strange? You’ve seen him go from angrily drinking milk and struggling his ‘king of the court’ title in both of your first year at Karasuno High, to now mostly happily drinking milk and being a great team player. You’ve always thought he was cute. How couldn’t you, with his shiny raven hair that stills falls over his eyes in the same way that it did when you met him in middle school, his deep blue eyes that sparkle every time volleyball is even alluded to, and the way his body has nicely filled out to the perfect tone over the years— okay maybe he’s a little more than just cute.

Andmaybe you’ve had a bit of a crush on him since middle school; if five years is a bit. In middle school, you were in the same class for first and third year, and at Karasuno you were recruited to be a second manager-in-training for the team. You don’t exactly know when it started but you constantly question if you have actual feelings for him or if it’s a simple attraction when you can only count the non-volleyball-related conversations you’ve had on your hands. However, you do feel that the both of you have this mutual respect for each other. That, and he’s eternally grateful for you being a much nicer tutor than Tsukishima.

So, long story short: strange relationship.

And you’re locked in a room together. Frantically, and irrationally, your eyes dart around the room in search of something you could use to bust the door down, until the rational part of your brain reminds you that damaging school property is bad. Your eyes finally settle on Kageyama who hasn’t even looked up yet.

Feeling your gaze on him, he finally meets your eyes with his own royal blue hues. His cheeks instantly redden, and you assume this is because he realizes the door won’t open. “We’re stuck,” is all you can manage to get out.

He points to the phone in your hands and you shake your head. “No signal. What about yours?”

Mimicking you, he shakes his head and answers, “I left it in my bag for practice.”

⭒ ⭒ ⭒ ⭒ ⭒

After about fifteen minutes of yelling and banging on the door, ten minutes of scouring every centimeter of this cemented bunker of a room, and five minutes of lying on the floor and dramatically sighing at even intervals before Kageyama nudges you and offers you a hand to help you up.

Averting your eyes downwards, you feel a slight heat spreading across your cheeks as you take his hand with a mumbled ‘thanks’. He lets go and your palm feels cold. When you finally do look up you see him beckoning you towards a pile of mats where you plop down beside him.

“I-I figured we’d might as well be comfortable if we’re going to be here for a while,” Kageyama says as he lays back with his arms tucked under his head.

You let yourself lean backwards onto your elbows as you reply with a quiet nod of your head. It’s hard to give a vocal reply when you’re filled with teenage hormones and the bottom of his shirt has ridden up. You can’t help but mentally reaffirm your earlier thoughts of him having filled out well. The most difficult thing is to not stare.

You can practically hear Tanaka-senpai and Nishinoya-senpai teasing the crap out of you for this. Your upperclassmen (including those graduated) knew all too well about your crush— in fact pretty much the whole team caught on except the subject of your affections himself.

“So, what do you do besides volleyball and failing math?” you ask him and he raises a curious eyebrow. “Like you said, we’re probably going to be stuck here for a while— might as well get to know each other.”

⭒ ⭒ ⭒ ⭒ ⭒

You tell him funny stories about your childhood, the shenanigans you and your neighborhood friends would get up to; the frogs you tried to catch and mishaps on the playground. He opens up to you about his grandfather, his older sister, and recounts his introduction to his passion. Volleyball was love at first sight for him, before he even knew what it was. You didn’t think you’d ever be able to relate to Kageyama so much.

“It all makes complete sense now,” you state, eyes focused on the ceiling.


You hear him shift, turning his head to look at you and you mirror his actions, turning on your side to face him— when did you get this close? Refusing to allow this shock to turn you into a mumbling fool, you try to keep a steady tone.


The two of you share a moment of intense silence when he cuts it short by quickly turning away, accidentally bonking your head in the process. Instead of feeling rejected and dejected like you thought you would, you instead feel hopeful. You let out a giggle at his increasingly reddening cheeks.

“S-Sorry a-about that—” he stammers out a string of apologies as you rub the barely sore spot on your forehead.

“You’re lucky you’re cute.”

⭒ ⭒ ⭒ ⭒ ⭒

⭒~ BONUS ~⭒

Here’s a lil’ bonus hc for when the team finds them~

Tanaka: *unintelligible screaming*

Nishinoya: *jumping up and down*

Hinata: *mouth hanging wide open with no words coming out*

Tsukki: *hand over mouth, chuckling smugly*

Yamaguchi: *can’t see anything and whines about it*

Our Names

BNHArem Collab December 2021~

Theme: Secret Santa for the wonderful WardingWind! Merry Christmas I really hope you like it thank you for the inspiration!

Pairing: Onmyōdō!Shinsou Hitoshi x GN!Reader

Word Count: 1473

A/N: Another BNHArem collab!!! I’d see the reader and Hitoshi being around their mid-late teens (at least that’s what I imagined writing) and Y/N/N means your nickname or whatever sort of half name you’d have there and I. I thought a Studio Ghibli: Spirited Away which I rewatched and cried AU was in order for this one ~ Merry Christmas~⭒


⭒ ⭒ ⭒ ⭒ ⭒

⭒ ⭒ ⭒ ⭒ ⭒

“You have to remember your name,” he told you, voice strained with urgency. “It’s the only way you’ll ever be able to leave this place.”


Now, how many days later, you couldn’t fulfill the one thing you promised him. Yubaba had succeeded in taking your name and adding it to her extensive collection.

“It’s not your fault,” he said firmly and grasped you by the shoulders. Despite not saying a word, he knew exactly what was going through your mind.

Hito, at least that’s what you’ve known him as since you met on this cursed island, his name having been taken long before you arrived. He’s been one of the very few people— err entities you could rely on.

Hito forgot his name and how he even got here years ago, and as for you… you could only assume it had been about—

“Y/N/N, you’ve been here for two weeks, eating the food and working in the bath house. None of this is your fault.” Violet eyes bore into yours, bringing your nerves down. Hearing everyone calling you Y/N/N has made you feel uneasy. But something about the way Hito spoke your name almost convinced you that it would be okay to be called that forever, so long as he keeps calling to you.

“B-But what if I’ll never be able to—”

“Don’t say that!” You could see him mentally scolding himself for raising his voice. There’s something about that very instant that hit you like you had fallen into a coursing river. You’ve never heard him raise his voice like that, much less scold himself for doing something out of line. And you’re just now realizing the significance of the sacrifices he’s made for you since you’ve met.

You love him.

“Please, just breathe with me.” You did as he said, letting your inhalations and exhalations sync up with his. After a couple, your breath hitched as you were hit with a series of quickly flashing images— no, memories.

It only lasted a fraction of a second, and you’re left reeling, like suddenly waking up from a dream. All the frames blended together and the only certainty you’re left with in the abstract blur, is the brilliant shade of indigo. The exact color you saw when you looked up. The same indigo you felt thread through your fingers after indulging the impulse.

Although seeming a little surprised, Hito did nothing to stop you. In fact, he relaxed almost instantly before being hit with his own confusing reel of memories. Or at least you had a hunch based on his change in expression mirroring what you assumed you looked like.

Neither of you could put your finger on it, but you felt like your connection deepened in this instant and could no longer resist the yearning for that closeness to be expressed. He pulled you close, wrapping his arms tightly around your waist, causing your fingers to slide through to the nape of his neck where you hung on like your life depended on it.

What happened next, you wouldn’t have believed if someone had told you. It’s what you can only describe as an out-of-body experience where you could watch the scene of the two of you clinging onto each other frozen in time. Then, like a glitch in reality, you witnessed the same scene but with younger versions of yourselves.

Much like mere moments ago, a blur of images interrupts before resuming the scene like a snagged film reel. You seemed to be around early middle school, judging by the matching uniforms. You’re crying, and he was comforting you; holding you like he is now. The memory fast forwards to you looking up to the sky in awe as paper dolls— shikigami danced around for you in the sky as your tears dried and your whimpers turned to giggles. Shifting your focus to the boy with an unruly head of indigo hair, you saw a slight smile grow on his face as he manipulates the paper dolls just like you’ve seen him do a handful of times in the last two weeks.

How easy it was to cheer you up back then. You seemed to be around early middle school, judging by the matching uniforms— wait…

Matching uniforms? Did you know each other? Was this really a memory? Focus!

The middle school uniforms had name tags, now if only your foggy vision could clear up—


You remembered him now. The boy many were afraid of, but you saw only the soft glow he always emitted. To you, he was never someone to be feared for his gifts, he was someone special. And he was also someone special to you.

Then why couldn’t you recognize him when you met in this cursed place?

That’s when more memories flooded in: your best friend’s disappearance, riding your bike for hours after school looking for him, the frustration of being the only person who even remembered him to the point where you questioned if he was even real, and eventually also forgetting him.


Hearing your name being spoken by his voice is so much sweeter and satisfying than if you had found it yourself. You never thought a name could have possibly held this much meaning and impact. You disregard your earlier thoughts, you don’t ever want Hitoshi to stop calling you by your realname.

“Hitoshi…” You pulled back for only a second before burying your face in his shoulder where your tears quickly dampened his shirt. “I-I’m so sorry— how could I? H-How could I forget—”

“Stop.” He pushed you back gently by your shoulders and surveyed your trembling features. His hands slid up to hold either side of your face as his thumbs swiped at the tear tracks. He repeated himself for the last time, with a tone of finality, “It’s not your fault. Thank you for being my best friend.”

Despite him not blaming you, you weren’t quite sure if you could forgive yourself. Or if you could even call yourself his best friend. One thing you did know for sure is that regardless of the distiant or recent past, he was and would always be someone incredible. And incredibly special to you.

Choosing not to waste anymore time, you pulled yourself closer to him, and absolutely shocked him by crashing your lips into his. The slight doubt in the back of your subconscious didn’t last long as he began to kiss you back. You only separated to come up for air, keeping your foreheads connected.

“Your love broke the curse,” he whispered to you as though he was telling you a secret he didn’t want anyone else to hear.

My love?” Hitoshi nods, and places one more soft peck on your lips. This definitely wasn’t the right moment to joke but you couldn’t help yourself. “And what about yourlove?”

He chuckled, but gave you a serious answer anyway, “I love you, Y/N.”

“I love you too, Hitoshi.”

“Now let’s get out of here.”

⭒ ⭒ ⭒ ⭒ ⭒

⭒~ BONUS ~⭒

As you walked hand in hand across the grassy field, a thought occurred to you, “Wait.. so you’re human?”

“I-I think so— sort of?”

“What kind of answer is that?” You chuckled lightly at his weak response. You definitely don’t blame him though, he was trapped in the spirit world for a long time.

You were now in the tunnel that seemed to stretch on way longer than you recall. It wasn’t difficult to resist the urge to look back. As the sunlight shining through the entrance grew bigger, you spoke softly, afraid that an echo might disturb the peace, “What’s the first thing you want to do when we walk through there?”

His pace slowed the both of you down as he pondered his answer— clearly wanting to come up with one before reaching the entrance, albeit to no avail.

“I don’t know.”

You gave him a soft smile, and a hand squeeze before confidently walking out into the light. The bike you rode here weeks ago was now covered in leaves and forest debris— not that it was much of a hassle to clean off.

Grasping your bike by the handles, you began to ask him, “Do you remember how to…” He’d been gone for years, this felt like an unnecessary expectation to burden him with. You threw a leg over the seat and motioned for him to sit behind you, to which he complied. “I’ve decided we’re going to go on our first date now.”

“But I haven’t had enough time to get ready,” he joked, wrapping his arms securely around your torso. You couldn’t help but let out a laugh in response. Your breath held a cathartic release to it. “And my hair is a mess.”

Or Tomorrow Night

“I don’t want to be alone tonight” + falling asleep on them

Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x Reader

Word Count: 720

A/N: it’s my first time participating in a BNHArem server collab! This month’s theme is all Bakugou Katsuki and everyone has put out some really wonderful work! It’s a Pro Hero AU and I hope you enjoy this lil drabble <3


I don’t want to be alone tonight,” is what he desperately wants to tell you. Perhaps something along the lines of pleading for you to stay with him as the both of you stand at the entrance of the agency where you would normally each go your own way to your respective homes. Anything that could express that he doesn’t want to be separated from you ever, really, but tonight his resistance to that desire has all but vanished. However, as much as he’s made progress, he’s still the emotionally constipated Bakugou you know.

Thankfully, the feeling’s mutual and you can read him better than any telepath. You’re the one who ends up saying those words with your head hung as your battered hand pathetically latches onto the sleeve of his sweater. You thought you’d be too tired to feel ashamed and embarrassed to be a pro hero looking like a scared child.

You’re fully prepared for him to scoff at the sight and stubbornly refuse in spite of himself, but instead he lets out a grunt that’s somehow gentle, takes your hand in his larger one, and begins to lead the way to his apartment.

* * *

You’re sitting next to each other on the couch of his surprisingly really well decorated living room with the television playing a random sitcom that you’ve long tuned out. Neither of you has uttered a word since the agency and you’re okay with that. But despite being right next to him you still feel alone.

It’s a strange limbo to be stuck in; exhausted and completely drained, yet unable to fall asleep. You don’t know what you were expecting as you hadn’t thought past him even staying with you after the day you’ve both had. But you were hoping to at the very least be able to get some rest before having to head out to work in the morning and doing it all over again. Was it foolish of you to think that you might feel less lonely if he took pity on you and—

Your downward spiral is interrupted by Bakugou’s strong arm pulling you to his side. Eyes widening ever so slightly, you glance up to meet vermillion eyes framed by dark circles to match your own. As he sinks the both of you further into the couch, you realize how truly tense and absolutely beat up you are from your day.

Calloused fingertips push stray hairs away from your face and relief begins to outweigh the surprise you feel at his tender actions. Apparently that relief finds company with an overwhelming wave of emotions that have gone under months of repression. “I-I’m s-sorr— I don’t want to be alone—”

“You’re not going to be. I’m not leaving you tonight.” His hoarse voice is a half whisper as he wipes away ghost tears you wish would just fall. Bakugou figures his pride has already been checked at the door and now just isn’t the time to battle against his desire to convey to you that he never wants to leave your side. But he’s still him, so it’s with lightly flushed cheeks that he averts his eyes and says, “Y-You don’t have to be alone tomorrow night either.”

You use the last of your energy to offer a smile of affirmation before letting yourself collapse into him. The steady sound of his beating heart helps you exit the limbo as you find yourself in a more peaceful place. The irony of a hero finally being able to feel safe doesn’t escape you, but neither does the warmth of the person who allows you to feel it. Careful hands caress your face and hair in soothing movements as the motion of Bakugou’s rhythmic breathing provides you with more comfort than a mother rocking her child to sleep.

“Thank you, Katsuki,” you breathe out as you finally surrender yourself to slumber.

Bakugou finds solace in the fact that you’re blind to the heat that finds its way to the tips of his ears at the sound of your voice saying his given name. He leans down to press his lips to the crown of your head, a show of affection which he will swear up and down never happened when the two of you find yourselves in the same situation the next day.
