#its been on my to do list for so long lol


(Snippet from Tenipuri otome game Go To The Top)

Main Character (MC): I suppose you prefer girls who understand your hobbies then.
Yanagi: Well… I don’t know. I’ve never really thought about it, but smart girls would be easier to be in a relationship with.
MC: Someone smart…
Yanagi: Someone sharp and can do quick calculations. A girl like that.
MC: Hmm… So… it’d be like a female version of Inui-kun from Seigaku then.
MC: Um… Yanagi-kun?
Kirihara: Pfft… Hehe…
MC: Ki- Kirihara-kun?
Kirihara: Ahahahahahaha! You’re hilarious! Why’d you think of using a guy as an example and turned him into a girl?!
Marui: I mean, it’s not exactly wrong. I thought her example made sense.
Yagyuu: I agree. I understand exactly what she means.
Marui: In other words, if Inui was a girl, he would be Yanagi’s ideal type of girl.
