#go to the top


When Fuji is the character with the highest level affection and Tezuka is the second highest, it will eventually come to a point where Tezuka will confront Fuji when he sees Fuji and MC getting along for the nth time.

Fuji: These chestnuts are really good! My hands can’t help reaching out for more.
Main Character (MC): Great work today, Fuji-kun. How was your day?
Fuji: I had fun, of course. It’s nice working on something together with everyone else.
MC: I see. Looks like it served as a nice break.
Fuji: Yes, it served as an awesome break.
     I hope I get to spend the day like this again someday.

[Fuji’s Affection level goes up]

Tezuka,appearing out of nowhere: Fuji… Do you have a moment?

Fuji: What’s up? What’s with the serious face?
Tezuka: I don’t want to leave anything undone… or have any regrets.
Fuji: …?
Tezuka: So Fuji. Once we get back to the training camp, I want you to have a match with me.
Fuji: Huh? With you?
Tezuka: You don’t want to?
Fuji: No, I’d be delighted to.
Tezuka: I see… I’m glad to hear it.
MC: (Fuji-kun and Tezuka-kun are going to have a tennis match?!)
     (Wha- What exactly is happening? They decided things so quickly…)

Tezuka: Sorry I forced you to do this unnecessary tennis match with me, Fuji.
 Fuji: Don’t worry about it. Okay, I’ll start then.

{You then have to play a mini-game called Word Match Tennis, where words would stream across your screen and you’re supposed to click the ones that apply to your character.}

After you win the game:
Fuji: Looks like I won.
Tezuka: Yes, so it seems.
Fuji: If you played like you normally did though, the result might’ve been different.
Fuji: It’s all because you weren’t acting like yourself. You’re usually very composed… I think just becoming aware that you can feel something like what you did tonight is good to learn.
MC: (What… exactly are they talking about?)
Tezuka: Practice will resume tomorrow. Don’t let your guard down.
MC: (Fuji-kun won the match between them, huh…)
     (Still, Tezuka-kun…)
     (He seems different from usual…)
     (Is it… just my imagination?)

Cast: Tezuka Kunimitsu & Fuji Syusuke
(This script is unlocked when your character of choice wins during Tezuka & Fuji’s jealousy event)

Fuji: O Romeo… Wherefore art thou Romeo?
Fuji: Deny thy father and refuse thy name.
        Or, if thou wilt not,
        Promote the popularity poll…
Main Character (MC): (Now we’re at the part where one of them has to promote the popularity poll…)
                                    (Who should I ask to do it?)
↳ Ask Romeo to do it
↳ Ask Juliet to do it
↳ Let them figure it out

↳ Ask Romeo to do it
Tezuka: All right, Juliet.
             Hello viewers. If you’re interested in the continuation of this story…
            Please participate in the popularity poll arranged by “Monthly Tennis Guide”.
            I look forward to your votes.
MC: Cut! Tezuka-kun, thank you for doing the promotion.
       I think it went great! Thanks for the hard work you two! 

↳ Ask Juliet to do it
Tezuka: Juliet, I’ll leave the promotions to you.
Fuji: Okay… I understand.
             Hello viewers. If you’re interested in the continuation of this story…
            Please participate in the popularity poll arranged by “Monthly Tennis Guide”.
            Looking forward to your votes!
MC: Cut! Fuji-kun, thank you for doing the promotion.
       I think it went great! Thanks for the hard work you two! 

↳ Let them figure it out
Fuji: The promotion… You’re not going to do it?
Tezuka: I’m not. We should’ve done enough. I want to go back to practice already, so let me excuse myself.
Fuji: Oh, then I’ll do the same.
MC: Cut, cut!
       Where do you two think you’re going?
       Hey, please!
       I’m begging you, come back!

The next line Fuji was supposed to say was where Juliet asks Romeo to swear that he loves her and she’ll stop being a Capulet, but unfortunately Fuji changed the lines, and asked Romeo to promote the game’s popularity contest instead. Too bad. :P

(Snippet from Tenipuri otome game Go To The Top)

Main Character (MC): I suppose you prefer girls who understand your hobbies then.
Yanagi: Well… I don’t know. I’ve never really thought about it, but smart girls would be easier to be in a relationship with.
MC: Someone smart…
Yanagi: Someone sharp and can do quick calculations. A girl like that.
MC: Hmm… So… it’d be like a female version of Inui-kun from Seigaku then.
MC: Um… Yanagi-kun?
Kirihara: Pfft… Hehe…
MC: Ki- Kirihara-kun?
Kirihara: Ahahahahahaha! You’re hilarious! Why’d you think of using a guy as an example and turned him into a girl?!
Marui: I mean, it’s not exactly wrong. I thought her example made sense.
Yagyuu: I agree. I understand exactly what she means.
Marui: In other words, if Inui was a girl, he would be Yanagi’s ideal type of girl.
