#its going to be 30 weeks of submission by the time i finish


Day 17

What does trust mean to you in the context of submission?

Trust is at least half of what makes submission work.  I think truly wanting to submit is the other half, at least in my experience so far.  And it has to be full-on trust- not just that I can trust that he won’t do anything bad to me on purpose (which should be a given), but trust that he knows me well enough to make decisions that are supportive and affirming of who I am as a person (not trying to make me into something I’m not) and align with where we are headed individually and as a couple.  It doesn’t matter how much I want to submit, without trust, I just couldn’t- at least not in the way I do now.  He’s my dominant all the time and in all the areas of our lives.  I wouldn’t be able to give all of that control to someone who didn’t know what made me tick and have my best interests at heart. 

5 February 2021

Credit: 30 Days of Submission Prompts by @barefootbychoice.
