#its great that the book is such a safe space for you



You may be wondering: wow, Godzilla, is Watership Down really your favorite book?

Easy answer: yes.

Complicated answer: my favorite book always fluctuates on the period of life I’m in or what I’m reading at the moment and how it entertains or affects me.

Watership Down has had a place in my life ever since I was 13. I read it consistently. Once I finish it, I wait a few months to a year, and then I start the adventure all over again.

Also, I’m crazy about this book. I’ve read the book. I own the original movie. I collect different editions of the book. I may sound crazy, but I even have an El-ahrairah tattoo on my arm. That’s how much I love this book and how meaningful it is to me as a person. P.S. my rabbit is named after the main character, Hazel.

I have never been good with change. In the last 5 years, a lot of change has happened and in the next 5 years even more change will occur.

Watership Down has been my rock and steady companion. No matter what changes, I find comfort in a story that doesn’t change. Like Richard Adams said when asked if his book had any special meaning or allegory, “It’s just a story I told my kids.” (I’m paraphrasing here)

Thanks for listening
