#its morbin time


The internet gaslit sony into bombing it a second time… incredible

So sorry guys, I like Morbius (the character) for real now


I compressed the Morbius movie gif until it was small enough to be used as a discord emoji


Once I Morb it’s over for you hoes


I love seeing posts with complete morbshit made up things about Morbius tbh. No I don’t care what actually happens in the film, tell me more about the morbmobile





So apparently Morbius is returning to like 1000 theatres today in a blatant attempt to cash in on the memes we’ve all been making.

Listen to me. Look me in the eye while I am saying this to you. Listen.

It is of the utmost importance that absolutely no one goes to see this movie now. That is the best and indeed the only way we can end this horrible, brilliant joke. We’re so close, you guys. SO close.

it’s going to bomb twice and that is so beautiful

It is your moral and spiritual duty to ensure that morbius bombs again.

We did it!


accidentally fell into the greatest wikipedia rabbit hole earlier

I officially want a wikipedia summary of every past and future meme, complete with this many examples and citations



morbius plagiarised me when he said “i have increased strength and speed, and some form of bat radar” in the trailer for his movie. i say it verbatim every single time i leave the gym

- Bruce Wayne



If Morbius was played by Danny Trejo, it never would have flopped.



critics are raving about morbius!

because of hardware limitations of the 3DS, I had to splice the movie up into 10 minute chunks and download them all separately.

this is in fact the best way to watch the movie, as it means I now not only have my own little chapter select screen, but I can also pace myself while watching in case I run into any kind of beasts (rats, ghouls) while in this sewer
