#its not about some magical race bullshit




i fucking hate when people attribute a lot of the good stuff about indigenous culture to some inexorable Race Quality.

as if having a sustainable, beneficial, harmonious relationship to the land is due to some sort of Magic Race Genes. I mean it’s a continuation of the idea that indigenous people couldn’t have possibly done all this cultural stuff themselves so it must be hardwired into their biology.

its literally just racism and essentialism.

it’s so gross and yet i keep seeing people make this mistake

yes actually this also goes for people who are like “anyone who isn’t already an Indigenous Race is fundamentally ontologically incapable of understanding indigenous perspectives or having any sort of non-evil relationship with land.”

that’s literally just the “native people are strange and alien and incomprehensible and *primitive* and of a fundamentally different Kind Of Human than us civilized people” argument but then you say “and indigenous people are good”. like. that’s still race realism bro.
