#queued your interest






White atheists will really tell you that all religion should be abolished and think they’re progressive.

How do you plan on abolishing religion? By burning our synagogues, churches, mosques, and temples? By sending our children to residential schools? By stealing our babies? By burning our holy books? By spying on us and punishing us when we practice at home? By burning is alive?

All of this has happened, in the name of eradicating one religion or another.

You cannot abolish religion without committing genocide.


Not all religions are Christianity. Judaism has been revising and redefining our religion for millennia. We have been doing this longer than Christianity or Islam has been around.

Please stop acting like we’re doing the same thing that our ancestors did 5,000 years ago. We’re not.

[id: screenshot of tags by ginazmemoir reading: “#the whole argument is fallacious #religion is something that has been part of our socio-cultural fabric since before even the agricultural revolution #literally tens of thousands of years #and since the medieval ages #religions should be reformed #a book written thousands of years ago can’t dictate life today #worldwide religions should make an active approach to rewrite themselves #for a god who discriminates in their own children is not a god at all #and does not deserve to be worshipped. ]

[id: meme of Will Smith showing off with the Talmud and Midrash Rabbah]

Goyim gonna goy…..

Also these people keep referring to "a book”. What book??? Judaism alone is based off of so many books, and there’s even more than isn’t written down. There’s literally a distinction between Written Law and Oral Law. That’s why so many Jews collect books, and that’s why we still debate today about things written in those books - and then we write more books!

Not to mention that there’s so many cultures and religions around the world that don’t rely on a written code of law, and traditions are passed down orally.

I swear whenever I hear these people say “well religion does x and y” they’re always just referring to the religion *they* grew up in (which is usually Christianity)

Thank you for the image descriptions!


self proclaimed leftists with entire graduate degrees on twitter not understanding that tourism in places like latin america and the caribbean is a form of neocolonialism even in places where the national economy is dependent on it. just because the government is making money off of ur lil excursions and hotel stays doesn’t mean regular citizens are, especially in your fave ‘tropical getaway spots’. the fact that sandals wanted to build an entire resort in tobago where my family lives might sound great for the economy or whatever until you realize that they would’ve closed off several acres of land and made it inaccessible to non-tourists which is fucking insane thing to even propose on such a small island. like i’m sorry but do you really think my family is grateful when you crackers come to visit during the winter?? do you really think your presence adds value to their lives?? when the govt invests money in ports but not paving the fucking roads anywhere that’s not downtown/vacation home territory?? you white losers need to put down ur marx for like half a sec and pick up a small place by jamaica kincaid. ​like lol if you wanna be a tourist be a tourist but don’t fucking act like anyone who refers to it as a contemporary form of colonialism is doing too much. ESPECIALLY when this sentiment is legit coming directly from the people living in the getaways you love to visit. i genuinely don’t understand how y’all can grasp the “there is no ethical consumption under capitalism” shit but can’t understand this.

anti-workshop: “Time theft” is the boss’s term for not breaking our necks on the job to increase the


“Time theft” is the boss’s term for not breaking our necks on the job to increase their profits.

If you’re not an EMT, maybe take a breather. Your job probably isn’t life or death.


Post link


It’s really fucking weird that people seem to think you only do or think about the things you post about on social media. I have so much more going on my life than I ever post about here, and so do most people.

Chances are high that you know almost nothing about any given blogger on this website, and making wild assumptions about their personal lives based on what they do post about is both weird and invasive.


Indigenous Alaskan artist Nicholas Galanin placed his project “Never Forget” at the entrance to Palm Springs – a playground getaway long favored by movie stars – as a reminder of Hollywood’s role in whitewashing US culture.



i fucking hate when people attribute a lot of the good stuff about indigenous culture to some inexorable Race Quality.

as if having a sustainable, beneficial, harmonious relationship to the land is due to some sort of Magic Race Genes. I mean it’s a continuation of the idea that indigenous people couldn’t have possibly done all this cultural stuff themselves so it must be hardwired into their biology.

its literally just racism and essentialism.

it’s so gross and yet i keep seeing people make this mistake

yes actually this also goes for people who are like “anyone who isn’t already an Indigenous Race is fundamentally ontologically incapable of understanding indigenous perspectives or having any sort of non-evil relationship with land.”

that’s literally just the “native people are strange and alien and incomprehensible and *primitive* and of a fundamentally different Kind Of Human than us civilized people” argument but then you say “and indigenous people are good”. like. that’s still race realism bro.
