#its racist



trigger warning: potential invalidation/misinformation on two-spirit people, homophobia, and colonization

okay so i was reading the Two-Spirit page on the new wiki. And it seemed a little… odd? One thing that stood out to me was this:

“In modern times, Two-Spirited People are gay,lesbian,bisexual,transgender, third or fourth gendered people, who are described as “walking carefully between the worlds and between the genders.” Moreover, because of colonization and Native people’s experiences, the role of Two-Spirit people has been lost “to consciousness”, with many Native people adopting the homophobic attributes in today’s society. Luckily, the Seventh Generation Two-Spirits are reclaiming their traditional roles and beliefs.”

which, like, idk, that just seems a little….. odd? overall? idk, reading the page in general there seemed to be misinformation, and i know i have no authority over this but i hadn’t seen anyone talking about it so i wanted to open a door to talking about it, if you’re Native and/or First Nations and you’re interested in reading the page, i was wondering your opinions on the page? because I just got a bad vibe reading it the way they kept comparing it to western terms and referring to it only vaguely and as only a gender identity.

additionally, they discuss colonization without any sort of trigger warning, which is kind of inappropriate and unsettling.

here’s the page:  https://lgbtqia.fandom.com/wiki/Two-Spirit

i apologize if i’m overstepping i just hadn’t seen anyone talking about it.

As a two spirit who just read the basic portions of the page.

This isnt accurate info and its not shocking that the page has zero sources.

Two spirit can decribe ones gender but this page dosent mention that two spirit can also cover orientation and that it can be the equivalent of “queer” in that gender nor sexuality is cishet for that native person. It also dosent state that its a north american native exclusive identity. It isnt something non-north american natives can use.

Further more, it only mentions one gender type of two spirit which is having a male and female spirit. It excludes the other gender varients or even specifics per tribe. Its very obvious this page was either written by a white/non-native person or a uninformed native. Its not accurate nor through.

The page just screams what it seems every white lgbt person sees twospirit people as. That being just lgbt natives which isnt the case and every two spirit person has a different opinion on wether we as a community should be an inherent feature of the lgbt/mogai communities.

If you needed any more reason to not support fandoms new lgbt wiki, heres another. They bastardized and diluted the definition of two spirit into something that sure, white people could understand but dosent even begin to truely scratch the surface of its actual cultural native definition. Im furious.
