#its refreshing



I love tags that are the nicest most thoughtful tear-inducing compliments, but I also love tags where it’s just ur name written in big caps like a loud yell


It’s almost 4am on a Friday as I’m writing this, I have to wake up in like 2 hours, but I just came up with a pt2 for my previous post so I thought “isn’t that a good idea” when it isn’t because I’m half asleep writing this shit, I need to stop writing things when I’m half asleep but that’s the only time my brain comes up with good ideas.

Anyways, enough rambling

enjoy ❤


The way to the castle seemed almost torturous, Lucifer could barley think straight, all he knew is that he’s carrying the dead corpse of his brother tightly to his chest whilst flying all the way to the demon Lord’s castle, hoping that maybe he can find a way to save his brother.

His poor baby brother.

Had he just stopped the others and himself from hurting him. If he had stopped talking down on him. If he had just told him that wow much he loved him. Maybe he’d be here and not dead in his arms. Or maybe everything would’ve stayed the same.

Kicking the castle doors down lucifer ran straight to Diavolos office. With sharp inhales Lucifer kicked the office doors down as well. “DIAVOLO” it’s not everyday Lucifer calls Lord diavolo only by his first name, but seeing as how he’s carrying his unmoving brother and the fear in Lucifer’s eyes Diavolo understood why,“please help him, Beel found him in his room unmoving and we don’t know how long he was there for and he’s not breathing and-” as Lucifer kept rambling, Diavolo took mammons hand into his whilst putting his other hand onto mammon’s forehead, Diavolo tried finding any remnants of mammon’s soul left.

With a heavy sigh, Diavolo looked into Lucifer’s eyes with remorse. the other brothers rushed in, seeing their big brother on the floor cradling the second oldest in his arms,crying into mammon’s shoulder, whilst the prince looks at them with a grim look on his face they all knew.

Mammon was dead.

As there was nothing they could do.

Lucifer spoke up, “please, I’ll give you anything you want. I’ll give you everything you want, just please. PLEASE HELP HIM” Diavolo puts his hands on Lucifer’s shoulders “I’m sorry Lucifer, I can’t help him” Lucifer stared into his eyes still deluding himself into believing he could help his baby brother “yo-you helped Lilith, didn’t you?, you saved my sister, WHY CAN’T YOU HELP MY BROTHER?!” “because she was still alive when I found you both, her soul didn’t leave, Mammon’s left long before you guys found him” Lucifer wailed upon hearing that, all the other brothers following suit.

Levi and asmo left the room, both of them running away from the scene as it was to hard to bare, Beel was in the corner with Belphie next to him, both of them comforting each other, Satan was holding Mammon’s hand, apologizing profusely as he wept.

Lucifer was still there, cradling Mammon’s head into his shoulder as he kept sobbing into his shoulder, his rambling fell on deaf ears as he held him closer. lifting his head up Lucifer stared at Mammon’s unmoving face.

How many times did he fail him?.

His poor baby brother, all alone for so long.

And he didn’t even try to help him.

What good was he if he managed to kill two of his siblings?.

Lucifer put his hand on Mammon’s cheek, mumbling to himself “Mammon’s face is so cold, he never liked being cold, only warm” Lucifer ran his fingers through Mammon’s hair “isn’t that right Mammon?, how about when you wake up, we can go to the human world, or maybe the beach, you liked the beach right? ” He pulled Mammon closer to his body “we can get you all nice and warm, and maybe… We can get ramen after, you’ve always said how you wanted to get ramen with me” “we can do whatever you like just please” he’s deluding himself again “please wake up”

It’s sad really, even after the funeral, The brothers would still act as though their brother was still alive, saying how “oh Mammon’s gone off gambling” or “Oh he’s just run off somewhere,he’ll be back”, no one dared to tell them otherwise, even if you brought up the day he died, you’d be met with the wrath of all the brothers.

Even after millennius past, they still haven’t fully recovered from their brothers death.


Guys guess what day it is?

Sunday, today’s Sunday

Anyways, I haven’t proofread this yet, though I might do that in the future, I’m sorry if this was bad, I had to think AND was half asleep so :p

I still got shit in my drafts so I’ll clear that out before I go and do something else tho.

Thx for reading ❤


I like to start off my mornings with a good cry.

This was so beautiful, I especially love how they treated the passing no matter how long after. Keeping a place for him in their lives and not moving on really showed how much they cared and regretted it all. It’s broken and tragic and they’re all trying to hold on and I love that they’re suffering because they deserve it.
