#its shit




The truth is most people think being disabled is a death sentence but instead of advocating for disabled people they r convinced that they’ll never become disabled as if being disabled is some biblical punishment. Guess what? Accidents happen. You will get old and your body will stop working like it used to. Imagine if we live in a world where disability is seen as normal. Where we actually take care of each other.

Also I don’t think we have as many abled body people in the world as we think. I think many people are so terrified of being disabled that they r willing overwork themselves to prove they can do it. Many people deal with chronic pain and physical health issues in silence. Because they don’t want to be burden. I think we should be burden to each other and i think labor should be shared.

So updates cuz it’s been a bit

We still don’t know why pat isn’t recovering the way he should have, nor do we know yet why he’s having seizures. July 9th marks 1 year since the first surgery.

He has appointments and another MRI coming up next week and throughout July.

I am struggling so much right now, mentally and emotionally.

One of the biggest helps I’ve had through all this has been @sorenmarie87 . Getting lost in a videogame is sometimes just easier than dealing with shit, and it’s been nice having her there when I’m like “game time?”. Introducing her to the fallout world has honestly been bringing me so much joy because I started replaying as well and Fallout is my happy place.

When shit was bad with my ex, I had fallout 1, 2 and brotherhood of steel.

When I was figuring out my mental health and fighting for my son’s, I had 3 and New Vegas.

I’m back in New Vegas and thinking of finally getting into 4 while my oldest keeps bugging me to get another copy of 76 to play with him.

I keep trying to write. Sometimes I start but can’t seem to finish. I feel like I’m drowning in shit and can’t seem to get out of it.

And then I load up a game and start a voice chat with Dawn and for a bit, I feel normal again. I laugh, I curse, I come up with random story ideas I’ll probably never get to write, but I feel normal.

I just want to get back to normal.
