#its so old at this point


October 23rd, 2021

As you all have probably noticed by now, this blog is kind of dead right now.

A few months ago, I started to lose the passion I once had for this blog, which caused me to start taking breaks and eventually stop posting altogether.

I’m going to try to revive this blog, however. But, in order for me to do that, I’ll need to reorganize a lot of things, meaning that you’ll probably see a lot of changes on here soon. 

I might turn to reblogging fics instead of doing the archiving posts like I did up until now, who knows. Also I’ll be adding Ateez to the groups I archive for since I’ve become an absolute simp for them and I need to share my favorite sub!Ateez fics with you all.

That’s all for now, thank you for being so patient with me. I’ll hopefully see you all in a few days with new posts.
