

I forgot to post this Friday, so here it is now:

The demo is coming along, with about 7k words including code—I still have to add and edit.

I’d like to finish the demo while I’m on spring break, so hopefully, I can do that!


lachastity: Hopefully, we can get this going. Would love to keep active members in our community con


Hopefully, we can get this going. Would love to keep active members in our community connected. Please reblog with your Twitter and other modes of contact so we can find each other! @LAChastity1 <3 (oops, corrected my link!)


Post link


Summary: Starla moves in with her sister. Things get better. Then she notices her new neighbor and not in a good way.

Based off thisprompt/idea by @caffeinewitchcraft

This one has been reworked a bit. Still the same story though, just fixed how Starla notices Duke, basically. That’s the biggest change.


“That would be a literal blessing,” her sister says, sighing into the phone with hope that pierces through the static of low reception.

“Well,” Starla sighs, hand on her hip, looking at the stacked boxes in her apartment, artfully ignoring the eviction notice laying on the kitchen counter. “I kind of don’t have a place to live past Thursday, so I don’t have much of a choice.”

“Well, you’re always welcome to come take the guest room.”

Starla rubs the bridge of her nose. “I can’t afford any rent, though.”

“You don’t need to pay rent, ” Melissa insists, words garbled by the piercing sound of a crying baby. There’s some rustling, sound muffled as she deals with the crying newborn. “You’re my sister,” she continues, voice softer as she soothes the baby, practically cooing. “It’s no problem and you’d be doing me a huge favor anyways, with the kids.”

“Okay,” Starla says, nodding to herself, like she has options and a choice. “Let’s do it.”

So she moves in.

Keep reading

That moment when someone points out something that I walk by every day, but I swear I’ve never seen it before…

My very first ever animated Mark My Comics episode!

I’m not switching to Instagram, Tumblr is my home! I’m using Reels to learn animations and get audio!

I get to be a messy slut again this weekend, and I can’t explain how excited I am.

It’s been so long, and I’m ready to get back to my roots. Being on my knees is like being home. I’ve missed it.

Progress on the cat fic so far is just me making memes.

Izzy: *struggling up the gangplank with a cane in one hand and what is clearly a cat in the other*

Ivan: Whatcha got there, boss?

Izzy: A limp.


October 23rd, 2021

As you all have probably noticed by now, this blog is kind of dead right now.

A few months ago, I started to lose the passion I once had for this blog, which caused me to start taking breaks and eventually stop posting altogether.

I’m going to try to revive this blog, however. But, in order for me to do that, I’ll need to reorganize a lot of things, meaning that you’ll probably see a lot of changes on here soon. 

I might turn to reblogging fics instead of doing the archiving posts like I did up until now, who knows. Also I’ll be adding Ateez to the groups I archive for since I’ve become an absolute simp for them and I need to share my favorite sub!Ateez fics with you all.

That’s all for now, thank you for being so patient with me. I’ll hopefully see you all in a few days with new posts.

man I really gotta draw my merboys again. I feel like I kinda left em in the dust…

me: logs into tumblr for the first time in over a year

my inbox: crusty messages from folks displaying true Fan Behaviour™️

me: turns off anon and logs back out lmao bye

right around contract time too, sounds about right!

Sorry for being so inactive. Started a new full time job and I barely have extra time to write but I am working on a few pieces that I’m hoping to post the upcoming weeks


Me? Drawing HLVRAI again? It’s more likely than you think

Family! I cannot tell you how much I’ve missed you! There’s just no way to explain the heaviness I’ve felt from not posting and not being with you guys more.

Sadly, it’s not completely over yet, but I’m getting closer! I have started posting Blood Ain’t LoveonPatreon again, so I’m hoping that I’ll be able to start posting on here again real soon.

I just wanted to pop in and say hi and let you know that I am getting closer to giving you content again. I’m grateful for every single one of you and I love you all so much!

Hopefully talk to you soon!

Become a Patron for only $2 a month and get early access to all my fics 


Reports are coming out of the 12th Congressional District of Georgia that Dominion Machines are not working in certain Republican Strongholds for over an hour. Ballots are being left in lock boxes, hopefully they count them. Thank you Congressman @RickAllen!

-Some random staffer (possibly Dan Scavino), on behalf of President Donald J. Trump

Our Analysis

There is a 42% chance that Donald Trump wrote this tweet himself.

This is tweet number 412 mentioning Congress from @realdonaldtrump – 336 since inauguration.

Word probabilities: 85/14 (Trump/Staff)
Time probabilities: 8/91 (Trump/Staff)
Metadata probabilities: 37/62 (Trump/Staff)
Posted at: Tue Jan 5 13:18:24 2021 EST [Link]
Tweet Source: Twitter for iPhone

The most informative terms in this tweet were:
coming (Trump, 4.2:1), working (Trump, 3.8:1), republican (Trump, 10.4:1), left (Trump, 2.5:1), hopefully (Trump, 2.3:1), thank (Other, 3.9:1), congressman (Trump, 1.4:1), ! (Trump, 1.3:1)

A computer sees the following emotions in this tweet (NRC):
{‘anticipation’: 2, 'fear’: 1, 'trust’: 5, 'positive’: 3}

Grade level of this tweet (Flesch-Kincaid): 8.5

Looks like I forgot to submit my timesheet for the days I was off due to COVID due to major brain fog, so I might not be getting paid this week

aromaparody:   First off, we wanted to thank you all for your patience! ;) This is a journey we star


  First off, we wanted to thank you all for your patience! ;) This is a journey we started in the spring of last year, when Heather needed an activity to do standing up (her back didn’t like her with the website coding and the writing and the sewing all seated and whatnot – standing desk soon, hopefully!) – and after discovering we both enjoyed messing around with dye colors and scents and realizing we could make some inspired by our favorite universes and parts from them, we ran with it. 

  We’ll be introducing more scents from here on out (as well as more Tripwicks and a section for misfit candles, which we’ll get into in the near future!), no worries about that, but for now here’s the shop with all the ones we introduced so far! (The candles are in a joint shop with our fandom inspired photography project, but we promise that the candles are really easy to find! ;D)

  As of right now, there are a few of each in stock and we’ll be making more as we go along (once we see which ones we’ll need more of)~! We’re also working on getting international shipping running and we’ll keep everyone updated!

 THANK YOU! <3333
     – Heather & Nate

We’ve been working on this project for a long while now and it’s finally done – the shop is open! :D

(Also, Heather’s been working on a certain Doki Doki Literature Clubcostume.)

Post link

i pulled an all-nighter in a korean cafe and while there i decided to react to the new 5sos music video. that’s right, i did a public reaction. i embarrassed myself for my favorite band and i regret nothing.

please watch my video to validate my sleep deprivation for the sake of comedy.

also stream teeth!!! 
