#its so sweet

ayumichans-art: お早う! | あゆみ・NBYeeeee, I’m starting to color my old doodles. This one’s the first one!



Yeeeee, I’m starting to color my old doodles. This one’s the first one!

Some Takari for my heart.

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Local Man (Lonan) gets kissed by mysterious Duke/Prince (Taeryn). More at 8

Lonan belongs to @flaggermousseart


the stars smiled

Word Count: 378

Summary:Four members of the Fellowship of the Ring enjoy a moment of peace.

Tags: Short One Shot, Stargazing, Friendship, Bickering, Aragorn is done, Sweet

My gift for @poetry-drawsfor@officialtolkiensecretsanta! I hope you enjoy!!

Read on ao3!



The Boys Next Door (Dean Winchester x Reader)

Synopsis: The Boys reunite with the girl next door.

Warnings: Lil bit of Angst, Fluff, Dean being an idiot, mention of dean and reader being attracted to each other while she is underage but nothing happens, Sam being a cutie, theatre kid things. DRUNK DEANIE BABY

A/N: This is an AU based off a story I read about the boys GETTING THE NORMAL LIFE THEY DESERVED!!!! It was called “A series of firsts” by @fictionalabyss. Go check It out its a super cute series, inspo goes to them :) Also I will not apologize for how often I describe the reader in dresses in my story. I have a romantic idea of summer dresses and that will not change.

The ending is a lil rough cause my brain stopped working so if it feels like it came out of nowhere I am sorry I’ll fix it eventually.


Y/n stood in her bedroom huffing as she tried to determine what to wear to the Winchesters Barbecue. Piles of clothes laid on the bed as she huffed and gave up falling dramatically onto her plush carpet looking up at her ceiling. The soft sounds of Etta James filling the small space. This shouldn’t be so hard, she has known the family her entire life, the boys where practically family spending almost every day together since they where kids.

She peered at the consolations stuck to the tiles and smiled a bit remembering how Dean and Sam helped to put the kit together. All of them getting annoyed with the kit and started to make up their own patterns. Y/n’s eyes landing on one the three of them collectively created. It was all three of their astrology signs melded together. Sam saying it was to make sure that they all where linked forever, which caused Dean to groan and Y/n to smile brightly. It becoming a staple of her entire life with them. The young woman hadn’t seen much of Sam since he went away to collage and Dean got busy with the mechanic shop he started with John.

Perhaps thats why she was getting so nervous. It felt like years since they had all be together. Her being a few years younger than Sam and Dean being quite a bit older. They all moved apart in their lives and she felt a bit like she was drifting through space. Finally out of high school but still unsure of what to do about with her life. The passion to become an artist still bubbling within her swirling around in her soul but afraid to act on it.

A knock on the door brought her from her reverie and caused the young woman to lean up on her elbows calling out to the person hidden behind the dark mahogany wood.

Keep reading


Did I really inspire this!?

(happy tears, i promise)

I loved this!! I love that there’s a couple of the same elements from A Series of Firsts, but you made it your own. It’s a beautiful little story. Thank you so much for tagging me so I could read it.

- Ow!- Hold still.- Why did they have to be pink?- Ask the cook. It’s his jeep.- Thanks, Todd. You k

-Hold still.
-Why did they have to be pink?
-Ask the cook. It’s his jeep.
-Thanks, Todd. You know, for someone who constantly talks about what an asshole he is, you’re quite a good friend. 

Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency
→ 1x05 Very Erectus

(i drew a version with the jeep n the machine but i got too tired to finish it, but i’ll put it up as soon as i do!)

(click for a better quality)
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rnyfh:omgevery single living thing must see this rnyfh:omgevery single living thing must see this rnyfh:omgevery single living thing must see this rnyfh:omgevery single living thing must see this



every single living thing must see this

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This post led me to reminisce on the nature of cat’s meowing, and I have a funny story

I befriended a feral cat once who had spent her life in the forest without human interaction. I was worried about her because she had a paw damaged from an old injury and was emaciated but obviously nursing kittens that were hidden away somewhere. It took me weeks of putting out food and sitting across the yard every evening for her to trust me even a little and when she decided we were friends and she expected dinner every night she started coming to my door and trying to call for me in the evening, but she didn’t meow. Why would she? Cats only meow naturally as kittens when their vocal chords/ears aren’t fully developed, adult cats communicate with vocalizations that aren’t audible to humans. She probably tried making noises I couldn’t hear to call me but ended up sticking to the one I always responded to- a horrible yowling growl that she had made at me when we first encountered each other in the forest. Except once we were friends she would make this noise while purring and rubbing affectionately against a nearby tree or the porch railing (because she didn’t want to touch me yet). This understandably freaked my family members out but I was touched that she had taken the time to find a way to basically yell FUCK OFF in an affectionate way.

Fast forward to when she finally trusts me enough to bring her hidden kittens out of the forest to me, long story short I gained their trust and put them in this big pen, that I had previously used to keep chickens in, so they’d be safe and to keep her from having another litter. Except she was already secretly pregnant again! (Fix your pets, guys, they make SO many babies) and ended up having her new babies in this pen. I kept my distance, sitting on the outside once they were born until she seemed comfortable enough to let me come inside. The kittens were a bit wild, hissing viscously at me as soon as they opened their eyes, but they warmed up to me. There were four of them and soon they all wanted to be the center of attention during the twice daily play sessions. I’d be playing with one and another would meow insistently behind me and I’d immediately answer them and give them love, teaching them that humans could be friends that answer their needs- making them adoptable once they were weaned. Mama cat (Artie) would just watch me play with them, and I guess she was doing some thinking because one day when they were about a month old I was playing with them and one meowed behind me. I was confused because I hadn’t realized there was a kitten behind me and when I turned, there wasn’t. The only cat there was Artie looking at me really intensely. I turned back around to the kittens and I heard the meow again, I turned back to Artie and responded in the way I always did with the kittens “yes baby?” And she meowed again in an exact imitation of her kittens! After that she would.not.shut.up. It was like she had cracked some kind of code, meowing for attention and snacks and just to say hi. Her two older kittens, the ones she’d had in the forest, had never meowed at me either but started to once they saw how I responded to their mom. and I find it endlessly fascinating because before that it had never occurred to me that cats only meow at humans because they were taught by other cats to keep meowing past kittenhood because that’s the best way to get a human’s attention.



the purest form of serotonin is when a cat looks at u and u go like “what?” and it meows at u

like, that is a very unspecific response I still have no idea what you want but I applaud how adorably you meowed all the same, well done

Imagine befriending some weird giant with the wrong number of legs that you met in the forest who seems nice enough but doesn’t seem to be able to hear you, until your friend explains that all they can understand is fuck off! And I’m a baby give me love!
