#its the music


Link Click (Japanese dub): First Impressions

So… there are things about the Japanese version of  Link Click that I am really not fond of. Thankfully, the Tosshi/Sakurai voice combination isn’t one of them なあああああ~! ( •̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑|( -_-)

Fun things I noticed! In the JP dub, there was an extra scene included where the two mains introduced themselves by their given names Cheng XiaoshiandLu Guang, followed by their so-called “codenames” TokiandHikaru, which I thought was pretty neat! And a smart way of easing audiences into their “new names”, so to speak. 

To be honest, I was completely expecting them to jump right into their adapted Japanese names “Toki” and “Hikaru” from the get go, and I wouldn’t have minded that at all, mainly because both seiyuu were still pronouncing their Chinese names with distinctly Japanese accents— notthat I’m not used to hearing how characters fashioned as “Chinese” speak in anime, but when one is familiar with the language and have heard the Originals say their names in native Mandarin, it is harder to suspend the brain from thinking about the correct way their given names shouldbe pronounced, and listening to two Chinese protagonists pronouncing their own names in a foreignaccent just sounds jarring, at least in my case. 

Strangely enough, Toki still uses his name “Xiaoshi” in this clip here, and I haven’t actually watched the dub in full yet when I stopped at this scene so I don’t know how regularly they will continue to use their original given names, or if they might shift to using Toki and Hikaru permanently as the episodes go on and we start to familiarize ourselves with their dubbed identities. Would be interesting to take note of this for sure. 

Anyway I just wanted to post this scene for posterity, enjoy! 
