#lu guang

scroll down (spoilers!)had to make a link click fanart. i really recommend this masterpiece of a donscroll down (spoilers!)had to make a link click fanart. i really recommend this masterpiece of a don

scroll down (spoilers!)
had to make a link click fanart. i really recommend this masterpiece of a donghua to all of you.

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Link click icons



Link Click has reached more than 200 million views on bilibili ♡


episode 11 is a full 30 minutes????? fear


I really hope that at some point the show delves more into Lu Guang’s story too, because most of his background remains a mystery to us. We know how he met cheng xiaoshi not much more. Plus, the discovery of their powers? How and when did that happen? Plus, clarifying their relationship (romantic partners? business partners? dan and phil best friends/soul mates type situation? i want answers)

I really think we need a season 2 for all of these things to happen… there is no way they resolve these things AND plot in 20 minutes… anyways catch me crying next week when the last episode comes out ✌

I just watched episode 10 and… just, so many thoughts. Seeing more of Cheng Xiaoshi’s backstory was so emotional and I loved learning more about him. Watching Xu Shanshan discover the masked murderer was so intense and was actually terrifying. And the last five minutes of the show were so intense too holy shit they kept flipping between past and present and I got confused but then I understood what was going on and just… wow. they were so fucking smart about it. I love my clever boys. I’m rly stressed about the fact that cheng xiaoshi is now locked in the room with the murderer, but it’ll probably be fine……… you never know with this show tbh.

oh I do have one issue: There’s so many things that still need to be resolved, and only one episode left. Like Emma walking on the bridge? What happened to her? She wasn’t killed in the car, but somewhere else? I think she might have attacked the blonde guy and then he got paralyzed and she walked away, but then the real masked murderer got here? Idk im speculating. And how is the paralyzed man connected to the real murderer? He definitely doesn’t seem to be totally innocent. Also if the masked murderer didn’t kill Xu Shanshan, then where is she? Why didn’t she show up to the interview? WHAT IS GOING ON???? I can see how maybe a confession from the murderer could resolve these things but… im attached to these character now and I need more than 20 minutes to finish their stories.

no bc episode 9 almost brought me to tears cheng xiaoshi is finally understanding how his choices, while purely motivated, come with unintended and severe consequences. The pain on his face when he figure out the whole Emma thing… and lu guang rushing to find cheng xiaoshi sjfhfbfjcj… nobody talk to me

Also…. this cliff hanger is blowing my fucking MIND bc what the FUCK??????? IM SO STRESSED OUT ANYWAYS SEE YOU NEXT WEEK

I need everyone and their mother to watch link click (shiguang dailiren) right now this anime is SO FREAKING GOOD

Each episode is so engaging and comes with so many different twists and I am always left wanting to watch more. It’s very well done and I wish more people watched it. Highly HIGHLY recommend checking it out.

i just finished watching link click a while ago lol

You know how Lu Guang always insist on the fact that death is an unchangeable event in the past because of that I think Lu Guang is actually does die this season and next season Cheng Xiaoshi actually does find a way to make death reversible to get his boyfriend back.

This is a couple of months old at this point but I’m gonna post it anyway.

New official Art from Link Click on Twitter  I just need to post this because the tweet literally asNew official Art from Link Click on Twitter  I just need to post this because the tweet literally asNew official Art from Link Click on Twitter  I just need to post this because the tweet literally as

New official Art from Link Click on Twitter  

I just need to post this because the tweet literally asked if we could find the Easter eggs in them 啊啊啊为什么你要这样折磨我 but OMG


MORE IMPORTANTLY!! I need to muse about their ENGLISH NAMES (?!!!) that’s just casually slipped in there because I really cannot with “CHARLES” Cheng Xiaoshi, ahaha. The name just sounds way too proper to me for his character type. I would peg him more a Xavier, Chris or even Joey (it’ll be a nice complementary name to “JO Qiao Ling? Yes, I know they’re not siblings, but they may as well be family)!

“LUCAS”Lu Guang tho! I like it! 

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Link Click (Japanese dub): First Impressions

So… there are things about the Japanese version of  Link Click that I am really not fond of. Thankfully, the Tosshi/Sakurai voice combination isn’t one of them なあああああ~! ( •̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑|( -_-)

Fun things I noticed! In the JP dub, there was an extra scene included where the two mains introduced themselves by their given names Cheng XiaoshiandLu Guang, followed by their so-called “codenames” TokiandHikaru, which I thought was pretty neat! And a smart way of easing audiences into their “new names”, so to speak. 

To be honest, I was completely expecting them to jump right into their adapted Japanese names “Toki” and “Hikaru” from the get go, and I wouldn’t have minded that at all, mainly because both seiyuu were still pronouncing their Chinese names with distinctly Japanese accents— notthat I’m not used to hearing how characters fashioned as “Chinese” speak in anime, but when one is familiar with the language and have heard the Originals say their names in native Mandarin, it is harder to suspend the brain from thinking about the correct way their given names shouldbe pronounced, and listening to two Chinese protagonists pronouncing their own names in a foreignaccent just sounds jarring, at least in my case. 

Strangely enough, Toki still uses his name “Xiaoshi” in this clip here, and I haven’t actually watched the dub in full yet when I stopped at this scene so I don’t know how regularly they will continue to use their original given names, or if they might shift to using Toki and Hikaru permanently as the episodes go on and we start to familiarize ourselves with their dubbed identities. Would be interesting to take note of this for sure. 

Anyway I just wanted to post this scene for posterity, enjoy! 


New Link Click Video

Ashort video was recently uploaded by LAN Studio feat. the main trio. They’re donning their old school uniforms in preparation for the short form mini series. Original post from Weibo and the tweet

One year anniversary illustration


new celebratory art for valentines day

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