#its truly baffling what are you guys up to in there




genuine curiosity, do ace people know that sexual urge is marked by an actual distinct physical sensation (what people call horniness etc.) of its own, which you can’t really describe like anything else? Like how being hungry or thirsty or tired or excited all have unique and distinct sensations to them? I say this because when this came up on facebook earlier there were multiple comments like “huh? What sensation? It’s never felt like anything to me” and that’s how those people discovered today that they might be asexual

loads of notes right off the bat from people who didn’t know! Yeah guys if you have a “sex drive” it’s like not just thought patterns but a weird full body feeling which is neither good nor bad but can become very distracting and nagging, making it difficult to care about anything else until you actually do what it wants you to do, specifically with another person, which then replaces the urgent fixation with a “high” that’s also not really comparable to anything else.

It seems like some people still get this but are asexual in the sense that they just don’t need other person. With the typical full blown drive, you really can’t completely satisfy it and experience the high again by yourself, but can only kind of quiet it down a little for maybe a day. If you don’t have any frame of reference for that then I’d imagine the average person’s desperate obsession with everything sexy really must be baffling to witness out of context.
