#it’s a trap


Work Horse - Trap

I absolutely hate everything about this. I hate that the first thought I had upon reading this text from my boss made me think of this iconic cinematic statement, I hate that I then had to draw it, and I definitely hate the panel, it may be the most cursed thing I’ve ever drawn.

I also hate that it’s true.

I am positive there are wonderful bosses out there who do, in fact, maintain friendships with their employees, and who can separate friend from work, and who can be confided in when you’re upset or struggling. They exist. And more power to them for trying to be good people. Seriously, truly, without spite, I mean that.

Unfortunately, I just don’t think mine is among them currently, and experience in this work place dictates that if I respond to this, I will probably regret it. There is no safe way to answer this text.
