#it’s true and you should say it



the “I believe in abortion only in extreme situations” people (especially women) truly baffle me because I genuinely consider “a human has another human growing inside of them and does not want to” to be a very extreme situation. to me that feels so deeply like an extreme emergency situation. I know this has been said before but it’s incredible to me that this does not feel innately horrifying and “extreme” to everyone.


this is immensely funny to me



#also reminder that terfs do not care about being logical about these  things and you  cant argue with one because their goal is not #to understand. their goal is to hate trans women

couldn’t agree more. got a lil excited about how well this person phrased it. the best use for this video/these arguments is curbing someone’s interesting in transphobic radical feminism; someone who is firmly a terf will gain nothing from this


you know what. rebels was so fucking good and i’m tired of the slander. rebels is a story about a boy who lost his family and his safety and his home and never had cause to look out for anyone other than himself, who met a group of strangers who showed him love and trust and forgiveness, and became a man who sacrificed his life to save his planet and the rebellion. it’s a story about moving on from loss but not forgetting it; coping with devastating trauma and realising it doesn’t define you; realising you aren’t your mistakes and you can do better and will do better. it’s about the importance of art as both a political tool and a part of life, and the triumph of nature over man and machine. i just have so many fucking feelings about this show i love it so much-

Jazz: I do not know who I am. I do not know where I am. All I know, is that I must steal.



you call it 2022 i call it chris evans’ daddy era

@buckymilf​ fair


The most expensive CGI in the world will never impress me as much as Muppets riding bicycles
