#ive been meaning to get around to playing stardew valley





quinn, texting hardison at 4AM: alec. URGENT 911 is it TRUE that if u marry eliot he moves in. to ur house. and he lives there

hardison, squinting at his phone in the dark, momentarily forgetting that he introduced quinn to stardew valley last week: if you do What

#Quinn would love the mines and fighting#he seems like he might have a vendetta against any villager who ‘saves’ him from the mine and took his stuff[via@scrawlsonblankpaper]

*quinn voice* alec WAKE up i was in the MINES. killing monsters and getting rich and then someone “”“”“saved”“”“” me and took all of my cool shit. are you listening. i was in the mines and clint mugged me and your “”“”“"game”“”“”“ won’t let me mug him back WHAT is leverage inc doing to combat this fucking injustice—

#harvey: dont you feel grateful that someone saved your life#quinn: give me back my fucking MONEY#ur so correct this man spends hours in the mines and anyone who saves him is a COP#a COP and a NARC alec your game is a SCAM#and NOT EVEN THE FUN KIND OF SCAM#finchtalks#things quinn enjoys: cows :3 chickens :3 sword murder :3#things quinn does not enjoy: any villager who is not granny or elliott[via@darkfinch]

Quinn: “Do you know what happened last time I lost a fight and got knocked out? I made a friend. That is how I met my FRIEND, Eliot. How dare all these meddlers come and ‘rescue’ me from the mines and take my stuff in payment for taking me away from my potential FRIENDS?!?!”

Hardison: “…Uh…I don’t think the monsters are sentient–I sure hope they’re not–and I’m pretty sure they’re trying to kill you.”
