#mr quinn



i am THINKING again abt the qwat vibes circa 2005. eliot’s just left moreau and is compulsively stress-making bread for the fourth day in a row like “yeah but how do you live with all the Guilt” and quinns like. *around a mouthful of bread* “the what”

heard it is a special day for a special guy? happy (???) to mr. quinn who has not been seen publicly

heard it is a special day for a special guy? happy (???) to mr. quinn who has not been seen publicly in exactly one decade, hope you’re doin ok out there bud,

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quinn, desperately trying to make small talk during the last dam job: so uhhh that archie guy seems pretty cool at least, right, love the whole murder cane thing, need me one of those haha




quinn: or—okay, or not, or—

eliot, who has been on the brink of a 45 minute long rant for 3 days: no no let’s Talk About Archie

Nate pops his head in intending to grab his hitter to discuss an aspect of the con and finds the guest hitter sitting politely in his chair listening to Eliot’s full-on rant accompanied by a painstakingly crafted Powerpoint (Hardison asked him to learn how to operate the briefings–he needed a practice topic, OK?) on “Why Archie Leach is an Asshole Masquerading as a Nice Old Man and Should Be Punished” projected on the big screen. Nate quietly backs out and decides his question can wait.

Does Nate back out, or does he politely join the audience, nodding along at key points?

No way Nate can “just sit politely,” He would probably take over the rant/presentation

Youre so right… He INTENDS to sit politely, but then interrupts to clarify 20 seconds in. And then this very orderly PowerPoint devolves into two men just angrily talking over/interrupting one another in a furious rant. They both agree with the other but keep “and another thing-"ing and not letting the other finish.

Quinn is just sitting there, head back and forth like he’s watching a tennis match. Perhaps stealthily snacking.

Eliot: "Dammit, Nate! I will get to that!” *smashes remote button several times to get to the slide devoted to the point Nate just interrupted to make* “See?Nowas I was saying…” *backs up to slide he was on when Nate interrupted and resumes rant.*

(Sophie has by now slipped in to sit next to Quinn, nodding supportively at every successive point.)

pebblesrus: i’m once again moving puzzle pieces around in my brain and uhh remember that one time i


i’m once again moving puzzle pieces around in my brain and uhh remember that one time i made a morality diagram because i am completely unhinged……welcome to the moreau edition.

my characterization of moreau is kinda,,, eliot but if he didn’t care about the blood on his hands. 

essentially, i do think that moreau has the capacity for empathy, he just chooses when to use it. 

assest or liability. 

the reason moreau is so good at his job is because he knows he’s a bad guy but instead of having any qualms about that he teaches himself when to care and when not to care and how to have funwith it. and that doesn’t just make him good at running a criminal empire, it makes him good at owning eliot, breaking eliot. 

insp. by my efforts to form coherent words re: this post@darkfinch​ 

one day i will write about the chapman of it all (a comparison between eliot, quinn, and chapman) but i don’t want to make everyone suffer thru that right now.  

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pebblesrus: i’m once again moving puzzle pieces around in my brain and uhh remember that one time i


i’m once again moving puzzle pieces around in my brain and uhh remember that one time i made a morality diagram because i am completely unhinged……welcome to the moreau edition.

my characterization of moreau is kinda,,, eliot but if he didn’t care about the blood on his hands. 

essentially, i do think that moreau has the capacity for empathy, he just chooses when to use it. 

assest or liability. 

the reason moreau is so good at his job is because he knows he’s a bad guy but instead of having any qualms about that he teaches himself when to care and when not to care and how to have funwith it. and that doesn’t just make him good at running a criminal empire, it makes him good at owning eliot, breaking eliot. 

insp. by my efforts to form coherent words re: this post@darkfinch​ 

one day i will write about the chapman of it all (a comparison between eliot, quinn, and chapman) but i don’t want to make everyone suffer thru that right now.  

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recent Very Good Videos have really driven home for me how Quinn has two modes: “I’m just a little guy” and “resting murder face.”

it seems like it’s largely Eliot who gets the “just a little guy” face, which is fair enough given the short screentime, though I like that the one time Quinn drops the murder face around Chaos (outside of a fight) is when he’s apparently gleeful he’s going to have to topple them both into the river.


recent Very Good Videos have really driven home for me how Quinn has two modes: “I’m just a little guy” and “resting murder face.”

it seems like it’s largely Eliot who gets the “just a little guy” face, which is fair enough given the short screentime, though I like that the one time Quinn drops the murder face around Chaos (outside of a fight) is when he’s apparently gleeful he’s going to have to topple them both into the river.


Let me out of this sewer, man I could be your best friend. I could be the best thing thats ever happened to you

Quinn to Eliot?


Let me out of this sewer, man I could be your best friend. I could be the best thing thats ever happened to you

Quinn to Eliot?


Concept: since Quinn’s network of casual acquaintances in the criminal underworld is far more up to date than Eliot’s, at some point there’s a reverse TLDJ situation where it’s Quinn pitching up to save Eliot from some warehouse and he walks in like ‘Sorry to break up the party, but I’m gonna need to take my friend Eliot ba—oh hey Steve!’

Eliot’s sitting there freeing himself from his restraints under his own steam and getting steadily crankier while Quinn keeps up a string of amiable chatter that Eliot’s sure is at most 30% about distracting the goon.

‘All right!’ he says loudly, letting the ropes fall in a heap on the floor and standing around the time Quinn and Steve get into the merits and drawbacks of dating the relatives of Armenian mobsters. ‘Steve, call that girl and tell her you love her, man; you’re only gonna regret it if you don’t. Quinn, seriously, the only thing worse than your romantic advice is this rescue. Let’s go.’

Quinn sighs. ‘Sorry I can’t hang out longer,’ he says to Steve. ‘It’s a busy day.’

‘I understand,’ Steve says, apparently absolutely resigned to his hostage walking out the door. ‘Wait, before you go, could I have a fingernail?’ He’s talking to Quinn but jerks his head towards Eliot. ‘Just to show my boss I at least tried to interrogate him?’

‘Uh…’ Quinn’s brow furrows. ‘I mean, they’re Eliot’s fingernails, so… you gotta check with him.’ He gives Eliot an expectant look.

‘No, he can’t have a fingernail!’ Eliot says indignantly.

Quinn hisses air through his teeth. ‘Tough break, Steve. Tell you what: eight grand and I’ll find you a similar one. Your boss won’t even be able to tell the difference.’

‘We’re leaving,’ Eliot says, seizing Quinn by the arm and dragging him towards the exit.

‘Good to catch up!’ Quinn calls over his shoulder as he goes. ‘Hey, you gotta take me to that pasta place in Rimini some time!’

‘Will do!’ Steve calls back.

The door slams behind them.

‘How much do you think his boss can possibly know about what my nails look like?’ Eliot asks.

‘Good point,’ Quinn agrees. ‘Maybe I should go back and offer him one of mine.’

Eliot looks at him for a long moment before managing a tired, ‘Please don’t.’

‘They grow back,’ Quinn points out. ‘It’s easy money. Hey, can you make ravioli? I have this craving suddenly.’

‘You’re unbelievable,’ Eliot says, then rolls his eyes at Quinn’s wheedling expression. ‘Urgh. Fine.’


Concept: since Quinn’s network of casual acquaintances in the criminal underworld is far more up to date than Eliot’s, at some point there’s a reverse TLDJ situation where it’s Quinn pitching up to save Eliot from some warehouse and he walks in like ‘Sorry to break up the party, but I’m gonna need to take my friend Eliot ba—oh hey Steve!’

Eliot’s sitting there freeing himself from his restraints under his own steam and getting steadily crankier while Quinn keeps up a string of amiable chatter that Eliot’s sure is at most 30% about distracting the goon.

‘All right!’ he says loudly, letting the ropes fall in a heap on the floor and standing around the time Quinn and Steve get into the merits and drawbacks of dating the relatives of Armenian mobsters. ‘Steve, call that girl and tell her you love her, man; you’re only gonna regret it if you don’t. Quinn, seriously, the only thing worse than your romantic advice is this rescue. Let’s go.’

Quinn sighs. ‘Sorry I can’t hang out longer,’ he says to Steve. ‘It’s a busy day.’

‘I understand,’ Steve says, apparently absolutely resigned to his hostage walking out the door. ‘Wait, before you go, could I have a fingernail?’ He’s talking to Quinn but jerks his head towards Eliot. ‘Just to show my boss I at least tried to interrogate him?’

‘Uh…’ Quinn’s brow furrows. ‘I mean, they’re Eliot’s fingernails, so… you gotta check with him.’ He gives Eliot an expectant look.

‘No, he can’t have a fingernail!’ Eliot says indignantly.

Quinn hisses air through his teeth. ‘Tough break, Steve. Tell you what: eight grand and I’ll find you a similar one. Your boss won’t even be able to tell the difference.’

‘We’re leaving,’ Eliot says, seizing Quinn by the arm and dragging him towards the exit.

‘Good to catch up!’ Quinn calls over his shoulder as he goes. ‘Hey, you gotta take me to that pasta place in Rimini some time!’

‘Will do!’ Steve calls back.

The door slams behind them.

‘How much do you think his boss can possibly know about what my nails look like?’ Eliot asks.

‘Good point,’ Quinn agrees. ‘Maybe I should go back and offer him one of mine.’

Eliot looks at him for a long moment before managing a tired, ‘Please don’t.’

‘They grow back,’ Quinn points out. ‘It’s easy money. Hey, can you make ravioli? I have this craving suddenly.’

‘You’re unbelievable,’ Eliot says, then rolls his eyes at Quinn’s wheedling expression. ‘Urgh. Fine.’



like don’t get me wrong i LOVE eliot & quinn being chill bros & besties i LOVE the Professional Respect the Comraderie the huckleberry of it all. the irrational trust the instant “oh wait i like this guy” the duckling imprint. but there is also SO much joy to be found in the Loving Hostility TM…..eliot looking at the Disaster Bastard asleep (uninvited) on his couch like, “this is the most insufferable motherfucker on planet earth. im gonna make him some soup”

its like… they trust each other they’d do anything for each other they’re buddies. eliot’s a safe place. quinn’s his huckleberry. also nate’s like “we need you to fake-fight for the con” and before he’s finished his sentence quinn’s already decked eliot as hard as he can



like don’t get me wrong i LOVE eliot & quinn being chill bros & besties i LOVE the Professional Respect the Comraderie the huckleberry of it all. the irrational trust the instant “oh wait i like this guy” the duckling imprint. but there is also SO much joy to be found in the Loving Hostility TM…..eliot looking at the Disaster Bastard asleep (uninvited) on his couch like, “this is the most insufferable motherfucker on planet earth. im gonna make him some soup”

its like… they trust each other they’d do anything for each other they’re buddies. eliot’s a safe place. quinn’s his huckleberry. also nate’s like “we need you to fake-fight for the con” and before he’s finished his sentence quinn’s already decked eliot as hard as he can



eliot and quinn are very like….red string of fate but one of them’s tying up bad guys with it and the other one’s garroting a dude

quinn wears a suit to beat people up which makes me think that 1) he started out young and wanted to be taken seriously but ALSOmore importantly. 2) hes secretly a lil unhinged :) anybody who fights wearing a tie has problems on top of problemsin the same way that anyone who fights for a living leaving their long hair down and wearing NECKLACES over their Practical Clotheshas. problemsis good enough to be confident in their ability to not get choked by their Decorative Items Of Choice and uses that confidence 2 b prettytheyre like opposite sides of the same “funky lil man with something vaguely wrong with him” coineliots been domesticated and is baking bread or some shit and in comes quinn covered in blood like “explain hobbies to me”u know the coffee with blueberry shot post. thats both of them but in slightly different ways. different single flavour shotsvia@darkfinch

finch I swear to god -

Quinn is the kind of person who is polite and put together and also Making A Point with his clothes, not only is he a Professional, Thank You, but he’s also way outta your league. His whole thing is that he doesn’t need to dress in good for fighting wear, he’ll wear just a suit and he’ll barely get ruffled. Tugs his coat back into place once he’s done choking you. Doesn’t lose his smug little smile, keeps his tie on, probably barely out of breath after beating you up - he’s not gonna let you touch him if at all possible and he’s gonna enjoy himself.

Meanwhile Eliot is the opposite. He’s so good he doesn’t need to dress up at all, he keeps his hair long and he lets you hit him, hit him again, he takes it and bleeds and gets his hair all over the place and dirt on his clothes and yet he NEVER stops, he infuriates you in an entirely different way, he’s not untouchable but somehow just undefeatable and it’s fun to him and he showsit.

Terrible people to fight against, both of them. Bragging with their wardrobe and fight styles and. And like. I’m losing track of whatever thread I had in my head but now I’m picturing art of (a) the original post and also (b) (messed-up bloody faced) Eliot holding Quinn’s tie and (mostly put-together) Quinn’s hand wrapped around the chain of Eliot’s necklace, both of them kinda pulling a little as they smirk at one another… with a bunch of bodies around their feet.



eliot and quinn are very like….red string of fate but one of them’s tying up bad guys with it and the other one’s garroting a dude

quinn wears a suit to beat people up which makes me think that 1) he started out young and wanted to be taken seriously but ALSOmore importantly. 2) hes secretly a lil unhinged :) anybody who fights wearing a tie has problems on top of problemsin the same way that anyone who fights for a living leaving their long hair down and wearing NECKLACES over their Practical Clotheshas. problemsis good enough to be confident in their ability to not get choked by their Decorative Items Of Choice and uses that confidence 2 b prettytheyre like opposite sides of the same “funky lil man with something vaguely wrong with him” coineliots been domesticated and is baking bread or some shit and in comes quinn covered in blood like “explain hobbies to me”u know the coffee with blueberry shot post. thats both of them but in slightly different ways. different single flavour shotsvia@darkfinch

finch I swear to god -

Quinn is the kind of person who is polite and put together and also Making A Point with his clothes, not only is he a Professional, Thank You, but he’s also way outta your league. His whole thing is that he doesn’t need to dress in good for fighting wear, he’ll wear just a suit and he’ll barely get ruffled. Tugs his coat back into place once he’s done choking you. Doesn’t lose his smug little smile, keeps his tie on, probably barely out of breath after beating you up - he’s not gonna let you touch him if at all possible and he’s gonna enjoy himself.

Meanwhile Eliot is the opposite. He’s so good he doesn’t need to dress up at all, he keeps his hair long and he lets you hit him, hit him again, he takes it and bleeds and gets his hair all over the place and dirt on his clothes and yet he NEVER stops, he infuriates you in an entirely different way, he’s not untouchable but somehow just undefeatable and it’s fun to him and he showsit.

Terrible people to fight against, both of them. Bragging with their wardrobe and fight styles and. And like. I’m losing track of whatever thread I had in my head but now I’m picturing art of (a) the original post and also (b) (messed-up bloody faced) Eliot holding Quinn’s tie and (mostly put-together) Quinn’s hand wrapped around the chain of Eliot’s necklace, both of them kinda pulling a little as they smirk at one another… with a bunch of bodies around their feet.



The assassin you sent after me is part of my found family now



The assassin you sent after me is part of my found family now


hardison, flipping on the lights in his living room to find quinn sitting on his couch, beat up as hell and slowly disappearing under a pile of meg’s toys:

quinn: relax i’m not even getting any blood on the upholstery this time

hardison: you know what. i’m not even gonna ask how you got in, i know better than that. what’s with the toy army

quinn, shrugging: i dunno, she just wanted me to have them

meg, trotting up to plunk another excessively slobbery plush on quinn’s lap: :3


hardison, flipping on the lights in his living room to find quinn sitting on his couch, beat up as hell and slowly disappearing under a pile of meg’s toys:

quinn: relax i’m not even getting any blood on the upholstery this time

hardison: you know what. i’m not even gonna ask how you got in, i know better than that. what’s with the toy army

quinn, shrugging: i dunno, she just wanted me to have them

meg, trotting up to plunk another excessively slobbery plush on quinn’s lap: :3
