#ive been wanting to do this one for so long


*Please read disclaimer on blog; default name set as Izumi

Muku: The first new issue of “Clear Skies After First Love” after a year…
I can’t wait to read it.
Yoru-kun and Asako-chan’s feelings clashed in volume 5, but I’m sure this time…

Itaru: Hm? It’s Muku.


Muku: Itaru-san!

Itaru: Hey there. Are you on your way back from school?

Muku: Yes! I just stopped at a bookstore to purchase a new book.
Are you on your way home from work too, Itaru-san?

Itaru: Yep. I just dropped by an arcade for a change of pace.

Muku: Oh, I see.
And that large bag is…


Itaru: Ahh, these are prize plushies I got from the crane game.
I was on a roll today.
I got a way too many of them, right?

Muku: All of those are…!?
That’s amazing!

Itaru: I got a variant of Penpen.
And for some reason, a lion plushie fell along with it.
See? This one.

Muku: That lion is adorable…!

Itaru: You like it?
I’ll give it to you then.

Muku: Eh!?
But you went through so much effort to acquire this plushie…

Itaru: Well, I’m not sure what I’ll do with it. And senpai will probably make a sarcastic comment if I leave it in our room. If it’s alright with you, then why don’t you take it?

Muku: If you put it that way…
Thank you very much, Itaru-san.

Itaru: You’re welcome. Don’t mention it.


Muku: Ehehe…

Kumon: Huh? What’s up with that plushie, Muku?


Muku: I got it from Itaru-san.
It’s so adorable, isn’t it? Petting it feels really nice.

Kumon: Ooh, I see!
Ahaha, the mane is fluffy too~.

Tsumugi: That reminds me, you play a beastmaster in the upcoming play, don’t you?

Muku: That’s right. The lion in the show is called Leo, so I thought I’d give this little guy the same name.

Tsumugi: I see. Then this might help you prepare for your role.


Muku: Yeah!


Citron: Ohh, this cheese snack tastes so good~!

Kumon: I like this series too~!


*door opens*

Muku: I’m home.

Izumi: Ah, Muku-kun. Welcome back.

Tsuzuru: Welcome home.

Citron: Eat some snacks with us, Muku!

Muku: Okay!
Ah, but I need to visit Leo first…
I’m going to head to my room for a second.


*door closes*

Citron: Muku and Leo have been attached at the hip lately.
They’re bosom buddies.*

Kumon: Bosom buddies?

Tsuzuru: I haven’t heard that phrase in a long time.

*door opens*

Muku: K-Kyu-chan, what do I do…!

Kumon: Muku? What’s wrong?

Muku: Leo’s… Leo’s nowhere to be found…!

*Citron says “ニコイチ” which is a slang way to say “BFFs” or people who are really close. But it’s a bit outdated now, hence Tsuzuru’s comment and Kumon not knowing it. No one uses bosom buddies anymore, right–

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