#ive connected the dots are you sure


One of the things I’ve been pondering, without coming to a conclusion, is whether or not things that a deity shows you or guides you through must necessarily indicate something about them. I keep coming back to all the “underground” imagery, all the “rock” associated stuff and yeah sure of course it sure SEEMS LIKE this would point to things that are within the relevant god’s area of interest and associations, especially since some of the Underworld themes have been SO STRONG, but.

I’m not sure how literal I should be taking any of it, because I’ve also been getting some things that point to that being useful imagery, but pointing to something more - abstract. More behind-the-scenes, or “underground as metaphor,” than actual caves or rocks or or whatever.

And some of the Weird vision stuff that’s been more blatantly about the god in question has been - not that kind of stuff (caves, rocks, etc.). Some of it has been underground sorts of things, more or less. But again, pictures are useful to convey things but taking pictures in these contexts too literally can lead a person off in entirely the wrong direction.

Anyway, questions, not particularly answered, except that some of the Weird stuff … might actually line up with what I was thinking about yesterday, which, alas, I haven’t been able to get out of my head.
