

Please help support me to fund the last part of my miracle baby. Thank you ❤️


The word… Uncertainty.

Something that is so familiar and apparent during the IVF journey.

Sing yourself praise. You are a warrior.

Some thoughts for Friday.

Sometimes stepping out of your comfort zone is the best thing you can do…

No matter how uncomfortable you feel. Just give it a go.

You may never know otherwise.


Some Monday blessed vibes.

I’m trying to see the good in everything.

Just be thankful for the blessings I already have in life.

If only I was more creative…

Sometimes I forget that simple things like making a meal or arranging some flowers is creative.

Don’t forget about all your little creative moments.

Especially if you’re creating something so wonderful and beautiful in your tummy.

A bit of a different post from me today…

Today, two of our wonderful friends are getting married.

After 3 changes due to Covid-19 the day is here.

I seriously couldn’t imagine all they have gone through to make it to today but we are both so over the moon with love and happiness for them and their little family

Thankful we are able to celebrate with them on such a beautiful day.


Today our other close friends have reached the due date for their little baby girl.

The day Rach told me she was pregnant I had miscarried.

Such a bittersweet moment.

JV and I are so excited to meet their little bundle of joy when she decides to come earthside

Baby girl Brown.

We can’t wait.

Stop being scared ✋

These words… @reallygreatsite

I’m back to work today. I had just over a week off for the Christmas and New Year break.

It feels a little weird getting back into routine. But God do I enjoy it.

Happy Monday everyone.

The funny thing is I am constantly looking my glasses… hahaha.

What is everything else trying to find???

Yep. And that’s just what I did.

Sorry I have been a bit quiet.

I just felt like I needed a little time. A break. To reevaluate.

The end 2020 has been a wild ride.

As I’m sure many can relate.

There is so much unknown.

Sending all my love and best wishes to you all.



