

I was recently told that I have PCOS and this book has been really helpful on my Healing Sacral Journey! This is a great book with alot of herbal remedies! Highly recommend for the witchy spiritual woman dealing with reproductive issues, hormonal imbalances and other issues. Of course always consult your doctor before using herbs as sacred medicine

Happy International Women’s Day

1 out of 4 women experience pregnancy loss.

1% experience recurrent miscarriages.

I fall under these. I’ve made artworks for each losses.

Many women suffer in silence from such a traumatic event.

You are not alone. Break the stigma.

Spread the word.

Remember us.

Pregnancy loss isn’t “oversharing”. We’ve lost a part of us and family. Such a traumatic event in our lives that other people could share about their loved ones dying.

Our babies died, too. They’re valid to us.

Let’s stop shaming women for sharing their stories.

What Time of Day Should You Use Progesterone Cream?

Progesterone cream is best used twice daily, morning and bedtime. 

Don’t apply immediately before showering or exercising. Give it 30 minutes or more to fully absorb or use it afterwards.


Apply 20 mg of progesterone per application (4 pumps). 

Some women choose to use more at bedtime to support relaxation and sleep. Try using 5 pumps at bedtime for a few nights in a row to see how that works for you.

Standard dose not doing the trick? Double your application for a few cycles to see if that works better. 

Feeling too relaxed at standard dose? Then try using half as much per application. We are all individuals so you should adjust as needed. 

from Blogger https://bit.ly/3tfVbaV
What Time of Day Should You Use Progesterone Cream?

Progesterone cream is best used twice daily, morning and bedtime. 

Don’t apply immediately before showering or exercising. Give it 30 minutes or more to fully absorb or use it afterwards.


Apply 20 mg of progesterone per application (4 pumps). 

Some women choose to use more at bedtime to support relaxation and sleep. Try using 5 pumps at bedtime for a few nights in a row to see how that works for you.

Standard dose not doing the trick? Double your application for a few cycles to see if that works better. 

Feeling too relaxed at standard dose? Then try using half as much per application. We are all individuals so you should adjust as needed. 

from Blogger https://bit.ly/3tfVbaV

The progesterone in a progesterone cream mimics the components of both ovulation and menstruation.   This progesterone production and the triggering of Luteinizing Hormone (LH) that stimulates the corpus luteum in the ovaries may increase the production of more progesterone.
One of the main actions of progesterone with fertility is to help support a developing embryo.  The best time to start using our progesterone cream for fertility help is as soon as it’s discovered progesterone levels are low.   

If infertility is an issue, please use the above information in concert with your health care practitioner.  

This is also an important FAQ we address with many others at https://www.felicityorganics.com/faqs

Felicity Organics website at https://www.felicityorganics.com    

A list of PRs on our google sheet can be seen at progesterone cream tab

from Blogger https://ift.tt/3nudANL

The progesterone in a progesterone cream mimics the components of both ovulation and menstruation.   This progesterone production and the triggering of Luteinizing Hormone (LH) that stimulates the corpus luteum in the ovaries may increase the production of more progesterone.
One of the main actions of progesterone with fertility is to help support a developing embryo.  The best time to start using our progesterone cream for fertility help is as soon as it’s discovered progesterone levels are low.   

If infertility is an issue, please use the above information in concert with your health care practitioner.  

This is also an important FAQ we address with many others at https://www.felicityorganics.com/faqs

Felicity Organics website at https://www.felicityorganics.com    

A list of PRs on our google sheet can be seen at progesterone cream tab

from Blogger https://ift.tt/3nudANL

Starting A Family- Smile Reader Ovulation Test Kit and App Review

When it comes to starting a family, the media makes it appear as if getting pregnant is the most simple process in the world. However, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 6.1 million women have trouble getting pregnant or staying pregnant. On average, for a healthy woman with no fertility issues, there is approximately a 25-30 percent chance of becoming pregnant per…

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If Mother’s Day is hard for you, for whatever reason(s)…

  • Give yourself permission to just let it be another day.
  • Take a step back from social media.
  • Write down what you’re feeling in a journal or blog.
  • Do something nice for yourself.
  • Do something nice for someone else.
  • Honor another woman in your life who may not literally be your mother, but who supported and cared for you like a mother.
  • Talk to a supportive friend, family member, or therapist.
  • Remember that your feelings are valid, and none of them make you a bad person.
  • Remember that you are enough, and you are worthy, no matter what.
  • Take care of yourself.
  • Offer yourself grace and compassion.
  • Don’t feel obligated to do anything for or with anyone else.
  • Notice your feelings, and don’t berate yourself for what you’re feeling.

(viaEndocrine System, part 1 - Glands & Hormones: Crash Course A&P #23 - YouTube)

This is a good basic introduction to the endocrine system.  

Acupuncture works really well to help regulate the endocrine system!  For example:

  •  Digestion (including blood sugar)
  • Reproduction: Fertility and infertility
  • Menstruation (PMS, cramps, flow, etc.)
  • Menopause (hot flashes, sexual desire)
  • Thyroid function (including energy regulation)
  • Adrenals (do you feel drained, all the time?)
  • Sleep (insomnia)
  • and more!
  • #endocrine    #fertility    #reproduction    #infertility    #menopause    #hot flash    #insomnia    #adrenal fatigue    
    International Safe Abortion Day!Abortion must be SAFE!Legal abortion saves the lives of millions of

    International Safe Abortion Day!

    Abortion must be SAFE!

    Legal abortion saves the lives of millions of women,

    Abortion must be legalized EVERYWHERE!

    28 September marks International Safe Abortion Day. For this year’s international day of action, stakeholders around the world are coming together behind the call “Make Unsafe Abortion History”. 

    Access to safe abortion is time-sensitive essential health care. It is included in numerous international, regional and national legally binding treaties – providing access to safe abortion is imperative for women and girls to achieve their human and reproductive rights.

    Unsafe abortion remains a preventable public health tragedy and a violation of women and girls’ human rights. It accounts for 13% of global maternal mortalities, with hundreds of thousands of survivors living with long-term complications, including infertility and chronic pain.

    With121 million unintended pregnancies each year – and few countries with legal to safe abortion – too many women and girls who do not want to become parents are forced to remain pregnant. This not only represents a denial of their autonomy, but it may also have serious consequences for their mental health and access to opportunities to achieve their life goals. 

    For many women, this is so unacceptable that they are forced to place themselves in extreme danger by undergoing unsafe abortions. We know it is women and girls who are often already marginalised – such as those living in poverty and rural areas – who pay the greatest toll and are at the highest risk of unsafe abortion, as well as maternal mortality and morbidity.

    Originally “Campaña 28 Septiembre” (or “Campaign of September 28”), the day of action was declared official in 2011 by the Women’s Global Network for Reproductive Rights, and renamed in 2015. The new name, “International Safe Abortion Day”, took aim at unifying the different participating organizations and their respective political aims.

    The history of this day is rooted in slavery in Latin America and the Caribbean, specifically in the concept of the “free womb”. “Free womb” laws were enacted for slave women who had been killing their children after birth to spare them from a life of slavery. The law ensured that children born to slave women would be considered free from birth; before the law was put into place, children born to slave mothers were automatically considered the property of the slave owner. The day of action was adopted by many groups to promote universal access to safe abortions and education about reproductive health.

    Text Courtesy of figo.org / americanwomensservices.com/

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    Defective- SFK

    synopsis: you thought you were getting everything you wanted, but sadly it wasn’t your time yet. moodboard by: @greta-van-yeet

    warnings:ANGST, cursing, mentions of infertility, IVF, miscarriages, fighting. 18+ strongly advised

    disclaimer: I do not personally know Samuel F Kiszka or any of the boys in the band Greta Van Fleet. this is simply a work of fiction.

    note: thank you to the wonderful and amazing, Abbey (@greta-van-yeet) for listening to my rambling nonsense and helping me write this fic!!! I can’t wait for you guys to see what she has been working on! it’s amazing.

    Keep reading

    story and illustration by KAM REDLAWSK

    As young as age 8, I was envisioning my future child—namely, a daughter. I remember having such love for her and a strong curiosity about her.

    It wasn’t the typical stuff like, “What is she going to be when she grows up?” but, “Who is she going to be?” I’d have visions of a happy, vivacious, independent, strong, curious, sassy and loving person—all the characteristics I admired in female figures I read about as a kid.

    Despite this abstract, if constant, love I had for a child I never met, I was not in a rush to get married and have children as I grew older. My goal was to put myself through school, travel, build a career and gain a sense of who I was before bringing a child into the world. I just hadn’t realized having children would no longer be an option for me.

    Since I was 20, I’ve lived with an extremely rare genetic condition that slowly takes away the use of my muscles. At this stage, I am confined to a wheelchair: I can no longer walk or stand due to progressive loss of my upper body muscles, including my hands, arms, shoulders, fingers and neck. To physically carry and give birth to a child today would destroy my body and most likely advance my weakness more quickly. While there is the option of surrogacy, it is expensive, not to mention financially unrealistic for my husband Jason and I to be assisted by a full-time nanny and caretaker. Adoption or fostering is a possibility down the road, which would make beautiful sense since we are both adoptees, but it greatly depends on our own stability, the progression of my condition and whether or not it’s realistic to care for a child in spite of my future quadriplegia.

    No matter how positively I spin my condition, it is a lifelong roadblock that has eliminated or greatly limited so many of my life plans. I feel as if my disability stifles who I really want to be and my best efforts to live adventurously.

    As a 36-year-old woman, I won’t lie and say it isn’t difficult knowing that it is nearly impossible for me to have a child. It breaks my heart because it’s another example of a choice taken away from me—only this one hurts more than I could ever explain or describe.

    Read full article here

    For some of us, motherhood is neither an option nor desire. Autism for me means feeling disconnected

    For some of us, motherhood is neither an option nor desire. Autism for me means feeling disconnected from even those closest to me, but with the complications of being cognizant of that gap. I could never love a child the way a child should be loved, and I have no desire to try. I know what it feels like to be unwanted, and to realize that my parent is unable to provide affection or appropriate parental support even if they wanted to try. It isn’t always “different when they’re yours”, and that isn’t a gamble I’m willing to take on someone else’s life.

    So to the countless strangers, colleagues, and minor acquaintances who seem obsessed with my uterus, fuck off. My reasons are valid, but they are none of your business. The least you could do is be grateful I’m not contributing to overpopulation or risking increasing the social burden of my physical conditions by sharing my DNA.

    Parenthood is difficult enough when you love and want your children. I have so much respect for autistic parents who are out there doing their best to raise beautiful people. I support your decisions, so please - I hope you’ll be respectful of mine.

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    (Image description: six square images with purple backgrounds and white borders, every image has bold white text in the center. All together this text reads: “I don’t care if testosterone therapy makes me sterile. I am allowed to live a life that does not revolve around childbearing or parenthood. I do not have to prioritize childbearing or parenthood in my life. My bodily autonomy and freedom of choice are worth more than potential fertility. I don’t give a fuck what you believe my "biological purpose” is. This body is mine to do with as I will.“)

    Possibly controversial, but I don’t care if testosterone therapy makes me sterile.

    I’m allowed to live a life that does not revolve around possible future childbearing or parenthood. My own bodily autonomy and freedom of choice are worth more than potential fertility.

    I don’t care what anyone believes my "biological purpose” is. My body is not your “earthen vessel”. I am not here to “be fruitful and multiply”. I don’t want to join your womban only arts and crafts circle and finger-paint with period blood. I don’t have to find any kind of special meaning or spiritual significance in the reproductive organs that I was born with.

    The only reason I am here right now with this body that is mine is to do whatever I want with it.

    I’m allowed to not want pregnancy and childbirth, or the possibility of them. I’m allowed to not want parenthood in any form. I don’t have to prioritize those things in my life.

    The potential loss of my fertility on testosterone is not a loss for me, it is a benefit. For more than half of my life now I’ve known that I never want to experience pregnancy or childbirth, and yet I am clearly expected to value my potential ability to do those things above my own actual wants and needs? No chance.

    No trans person should be required to delay medically transitioning because of concerns about future fertility, if the trans person themselves isn’t concerned with the ability to have biological children.

    I resent the notion that medically transitioning is harmful because we’re–allegedly–choosing to sterilize ourselves*. Choosing sterilization is not harmful. The ability to choose sterilization should be the right of every person, regardless of gender, who is of an age capable of reproducing.

    (*Contrary to popular belief, testosterone therapy is not a contraceptive and does not always result in a person being sterile; it is entirely possible for a person to become pregnant while using testosterone therapy or after stopping it.)

    Sensual Lilac

    “I smell the sweet fragrance of lilacs in the breeze. The lovely scent is always so breathtaking. Also when the babies kick my rib cage.”

    Yesterday’s photoshoot! I was having a lot of phone issues yesterday (Maybe the RAM again)


    Mama Sunny

    Couldn’t decide what to wear today, most of my clothes don’t fit because I’m getting so big.

    New things coming soon! Thank you to those who have subscribed and a special thank you to those who got me a few things from my wishlist!



    “Mother’s Radiant Glow”

    When will these babies be here? My what a lovely sunny ☀️ day. I should plant some flowers to help #savethebees and get a hummingbird feeder so my sweet kitty ‍⬛ has a show from inside the window. I feel butterflies inside me

    ~Support me on Patreon~Read from beginnning<- Page 29 - Page 30 - Page 31 ->There’s not a whol

    ~Support me on Patreon~

    Read from beginnning

    <- Page 29- Page 30 -Page 31 ->

    There’s not a whole lot of smut left, mostly just Will masturbating, but there is a lot of feelings talk~ If you’re still iffy about whether you really wanna see them together after all this then I hope this flips it for you :)

    Reminder to please read the warnings in the tags and on the first page or don’t read this comic at all.

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    Herbs with the Most Promising Supportive Information for Increase Fertility Herbal fertility remedieHerbs with the Most Promising Supportive Information for Increase Fertility Herbal fertility remedie

    Herbs with the Most Promising Supportive Information for Increase Fertility

    Herbal fertility remedies have existed in every culture for centuries before the development of modern fertility procedures.

    Most of these fertility herbs are regarded to be safe when used in the appropriate dosage.

    Some of these medicinal herbs are thought to produce the best results when used in combination.

    Fertility herbs are usually selected for their time-tested traditional uses as remedies as well as having some supportive scientific information regarding their ability to alleviate the broad spectrum of conditions that can impact a woman’s ability to conceive.

    To learn more about the herbs for infertility (women) CLICK HERE:https://www.herbal-supplement-resource.com/fertility-herbs-females.html
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    What Time of Day Should You Use Progesterone Cream?

    Progesterone cream is best used twice daily, morning and bedtime. 

    Don’t apply immediately before showering or exercising. Give it 30 minutes or more to fully absorb or use it afterwards.


    Apply 20 mg of progesterone per application (4 pumps). 

    Some women choose to use more at bedtime to support relaxation and sleep. Try using 5 pumps at bedtime for a few nights in a row to see how that works for you.

    Standard dose not doing the trick? Double your application for a few cycles to see if that works better. 

    Feeling too relaxed at standard dose? Then try using half as much per application. We are all individuals so you should adjust as needed. 

    from Blogger https://bit.ly/3tfVbaV

    The progesterone in a progesterone cream mimics the components of both ovulation and menstruation.   This progesterone production and the triggering of Luteinizing Hormone (LH) that stimulates the corpus luteum in the ovaries may increase the production of more progesterone.
    One of the main actions of progesterone with fertility is to help support a developing embryo.  The best time to start using our progesterone cream for fertility help is as soon as it’s discovered progesterone levels are low.   

    If infertility is an issue, please use the above information in concert with your health care practitioner.  

    This is also an important FAQ we address with many others at https://www.felicityorganics.com/faqs

    Felicity Organics website at https://www.felicityorganics.com    

    A list of PRs on our google sheet can be seen at progesterone cream tab

    from Blogger https://ift.tt/3nudANL

    I called my insurance company to make sure the genetic testing is covered. I think one of my biggest fears, besides more failed pregnancies, is how much all of this is going to cost. I’m the only one working because Hubby is in school and he will be in school for a long time. I have so much on my shoulders, but all I can think about is how much I want to start a family.

    I know there are so many couples out there who are going through the same thing. I just need to reach out, do research and have an open mind.

    Next on my to-do list: finding an infertility specialist.

    I’m not pregnant.

    Of course, I’m surrounded by pregnant co-workers, friends and family. The pain never goes away. The bitterness and envy does not seem to subside. I still get angry when I see Facebook and Instagram posts about pregnancy and parenthood. Why can’t I just be happy for everyone? Why can’t I just move on?

    I had an appointment with my gynecologist this past Friday. My ultrasound and lab results are normal. She said she wants to make sure I don’t have any clotting disorders. She also said she wants me to get a karyotype lab drawn. I asked her what else I need to do. She said now would be the time to start looking into seeing an infertility specialist. On my next day off, I need to make phone calls.

    I’m terrified. I don’t really know what to expect. It’s hard to not feel like a failure.

    Reposted from @strugglebusdriver_#aprilfools #pregnancy #pregnancyisnotajoke #infertility #infantl

    Reposted from @strugglebusdriver_

    #aprilfools #pregnancy #pregnancyisnotajoke #infertility #infantloss #angelmom #angelparent

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