#ivan carvalho

What you and I have. A connection. Being able to talk about anything or nothing at all. Serenity. InWhat you and I have. A connection. Being able to talk about anything or nothing at all. Serenity. InWhat you and I have. A connection. Being able to talk about anything or nothing at all. Serenity. InWhat you and I have. A connection. Being able to talk about anything or nothing at all. Serenity. In

What you and I have. A connection. Being able to talk about anything or nothing at all. Serenity. Intimacy.

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I’m not gay. What? You’ve had your eyes on me since you saw me in the hallway… Don’t sweat itI’m not gay. What? You’ve had your eyes on me since you saw me in the hallway… Don’t sweat itI’m not gay. What? You’ve had your eyes on me since you saw me in the hallway… Don’t sweat itI’m not gay. What? You’ve had your eyes on me since you saw me in the hallway… Don’t sweat itI’m not gay. What? You’ve had your eyes on me since you saw me in the hallway… Don’t sweat itI’m not gay. What? You’ve had your eyes on me since you saw me in the hallway… Don’t sweat itI’m not gay. What? You’ve had your eyes on me since you saw me in the hallway… Don’t sweat it

I’m not gay. 


You’ve had your eyes on me since you saw me in the hallway… Don’t sweat it. Look as much as you want, it doesn’t bug me.

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It’s finally here ️‍️‍️‍️‍️‍

Patrick & Ivàn

Patrivan Drives Me Nuts, And Here’s Why: Part 5

S5E4: The Body [1,2,3,4]

->Because Ivan Is Really Pissing Me Off (but not as much as Ari)

Hm, how to even begin?

Look, this episode was as bad as episode 3 as far as patrivan is concerned, but I didn’t hate it as much… I would say. And that’s only because I think Cruz evened out this whole emotional mess, and Patrick isn’t as inferior to Ivan anymore. Like, he’s finally got a bullet to fire back at the idiot. Yeah, yeah. I’m toxic like that. But what I’m saying is, right when I saw that, I knew Patrick’s trauma after seeing the boy he likes and his sister having sex in broad daylight will soon be returned. By, like, two-folds.

BUT. That doesn’t make it any less fucked up. I know. Because, seriously? Ivan’s dad? It couldn’t be, idk, an older brother or something? Granted, his dad acts like a man-child than an actual father, but still. Cruz is a very questionable third party to involve.

But again, enough to satisfy my thirst for revenge. Lol.

Anyway. Let’s break this post into 3 parts based on the sequence of events in the episode concerning our lovely (and suffering) otp. First would be Ari and Ivan’s boat scenes (I’m still fuming), next is Patrick’s whole emotional train wreck , and lastly, the aftermath of that wreck. Which, for Patrick, typically translates to ‘another bad decision’, a.k.a. Cruz. ‍♀️

1. Ari and Ivan.

(yeah, I’m not… I’m not gonna add gifs of them. Lol)

So, Ari and Ivan’s boat ride and eventual boat sex…. *sighs* I really don’t want to talk about it because it just makes me angry, so I’ll get to the point.

Wtf was that? Ari can’t get her boyfriend to spend time with her, because he’s workingto have money, so she drinks, summons “Ira” as Patrick calls her evil alter ego, and cheats on her boyfriend with the guy she knows her brother likes? And Ivan lets it happen, but I don’t expect much from him, so I’m not even disappointed (but I am, truly, lol).

That’s all I have for them. *leaves*

2. Patrick.

Now, this episode wasn’t very kind to him, was it? Poor baby.

He doesn’t appear until around minute 19 and already you can tell that he’s not doing great. First of all, he’s late. He’s supposed to be around during his dad’s welcome speech, but even Ari has no idea where he could be. And when he does arrive, he’s clearly on something. He’s interrupting his dad, being rude to people, and breaking expensive sculptures - just being a total menace. And to make sense of it, remember that we’re picking up from episode 3’s rejection from Ivan.

Obviously, he got very upset about it that he went out and drank, got high, and probably fooled around with strangers if the huge-ass hickey on his neck is anything to go by. And sometimes it annoys me how he could be so fixated on one person, you know? Because he could get anyone, but he spends most of his time and invests his emotions choosing people who wouldn’t choose him back. That’s just really… ANYWAY-

So he gets into a verbal fight with his dad that ends up with him getting slapped (and oh my… that confrontation reveals a lot about his insecurities, doesn’t it?). Then he walks out, throws a tantrum outside (which, Patrick, baby, seriously?), and as if he hasn’t had enough stabs into his chest, he gets stabbed in the back, too. He catches his sister Ari and Ivan having sex - out in the open jfc - and, ooooooof, the look in his eyes . Just- *gestures*

This is the exact look that makes Cruz’s entrance in the picture satisfyingto me (despite the, well, obviousage issues). Because trust Patrick to make things messier for everyone. He can’t be the only one that suffers lol. Though, tbf, I don’t think he intends to hurt Ivan. Ivan doesn’t like him like that, as Ivan keeps on insisting, right?

3. Cruz.

But Patrick can’t even take all the credit for this chaos, can he? Because to begin, it’s not Patrick who showed intent first. Patrick’s out there pouring his heart out to Ivan’s dad because he just really needs someone to talk to, and Cruz flirts with him. Unintentionally, maybe, at first, but flirts with him nonetheless. So, what’s Patrick supposed to do, really?

He just got bitch-slapped by his dad, saw his sister getting it on with the boy who spacezoned him, then there’s Cruz who comforts him, tells him that it’s impossible that no one notices and wants Patrick for who he is (because he clearly does), and Patrick’s supposed to - what? Walk away? From the one person who seems to appreciate him at his very fragile moment? Who’s showing interest in him when the persons he wants it from can’t give it to him?

So, he goes for it. And, no, it’s not a smart decision, but it’s the decision that gave him peace temporarily - took his mind off things for a short while. And he really needs to chill after all that, tbh. And Cruz is neither in a committed relationship, nor too afraid to kiss him. So? Cruz just so happens to be Ivan’s dad, just like Ari just so happens to be Patrick’s sister. It’s really…. not that crazy. (*snorts* Lmfao XD)

Anyway, that’s all for episode 4. And, y'aaaaall. I can’t waitto discuss episodes 5 and 6 because they’re, by far, my favorite patrivan episodes this season. Like *screams incoherently*

Like, how my thoughts about Ivan gets proven in episode 5, and how Cruz is such a little shit dad, and how I think Patrick is toovillainized for going through with *it* (ya know, the pool scene), or accused of self-destruction when he literally just accepted someone’s attention to soothe his broken heart. You know, it’s forhim. It’s not about someone else.

Don’t get me wrong, Patrick hasself-destructive tendencies (exhibit A: the entirety of season 4), but I don’t believe that particular scene is one of those instances. The latter one, maybe, yes. (Okay, to be clear, I mean when Patrick runs away from home after that video of Ivan in Ibiza and seeks out Cruz for comfort? I think that’s in episode 7… Yeah, that’s the one. That’s self-destruction right there.) But this one (as in: episode 6, the pool scene)? No, that’s just what would have happened in episode 5 had Ivan been too chicken-shit to finally make a move.

Anyway, I’m gonna talk more about that in the next ones. Ciao!

Patrivan Drives Me Nuts, And Here’s Why: Part 4

S5E3: Tie Me Up [1,2,3]

->Because Patrick Gets Spacezoned

My real frustration on Ivan starts in this episode. I don’t want to talk about this episode, tbh, because it was just bad for Patrivan. But I guess the good episode (ahem, 5 ) tastes this *sweet* because of the bad episodes before it (3&4). Dude. Like, the way Ivan ate his own words? Yeah, I can’t wait to talk about thatone.

Anyway, for ep 3, I just really wanna talk about two things: 1. how I think Patrick genuinely wants to try just being friends with Ivan, and 2. how I think Ivan is desperate to protect his sexuality.

Firstly, Patrick still likes Ivan. What Ivan said: “you can’t get your head around the fact that nothing’s ever going to happen between us” is harsh but isn’t a lie. However, I think Patrick is trying to be just friends this time, even with his lingering attraction to Ivan. He’s never had a friend like Ivan for as long as he’s in the series - at least, not that is shown to us. And they clearly enjoy each other’s company, so I think that’s what Patrick’s trying to do. Have a great time with an actual friend - that, yes, granted he still likes, but I don’t think he plans on pushing boundaries like he did in episode 2.

Which is why Ivan’s rejection hit really hard. Because Ivan doesn’t only reject the idea of any romantic relations between them (again), he also turns down the comfortable kind of friendship that they’re starting to have with each other.

Patrick doesn’t get friendzoned. No, he gets worse. He gets the “we need to have some space” speech. Babe getsspacezoned. Like, fr.

Anyway, the second thing. This episode, Ivan kisses Ari. And that’s fucked up. Even more so, that he does because he wants to prove his point that he likes girls. I don’t think it’s a bluff that he’s attracted to Ari, no, but I do think he’s trying to make it a bigger deal than it actually is. After the ep 2 debacle (aka when Rebe points out that he *might* not be as straight as he believes after that sensual dance with Patrick), and this episode when Ari teases him for liking Patrick and possibly getting a hard on for him, Ivan is determined to clench his fist around his sexuality.

Why does everyone assume that I’m gay?” So far, it’s happened twice on-screen and who knows how many more off-screen for him to react like this. But the thing is, that’snot what they’re actually pointing out to Ivan. What they’re saying is that he’s reciprocating Patrick’s attraction by his actions. They don’t assume he’s gay, they assume he likes Patrick, and those are two different things. But Ivan’s alarmed either way.

So, when he spots a smidge of attraction towards Ari, he clings to it. Because Ari actually makes sense. Right? Because Ari’s a girl.

To us it doesn’t make sense for him to get so obsessed after one, possibly (seemingly) farcical kiss. But to Ivan it does. Cuz it means he’s not gay, and he’s not attracted to Patrick like that.



“Come on, we’ll go lay on the lawn for a while, okay?”
(Elite, S5x05)

André Lamoglia

L’Officiel Austria

Photography by Dawid Klepadlo
