#iwaizumi hajime angst



the waiting game.

SUMMARY ever since you knew about your feelings for your brother’s best friend, you knew you’d wait for him. no matter how many times he might’ve rejected you, you’d wait for him.

PAIRING iwaizumi hajime x fem!reader

GENRE fluff/slight angst/humor; you’re waiting for a guy for thirteen years (don’t do that irl unless it’s iwaizumi), brother!oikawa, you’re stubborn as heck (and a simp)


LENGTH 9.2k words (my finger slipped)

A/N woo i churned this out in two days, i can’t even believe- anyway, i hope you like this!! this is based on american school systems since im from the us :) lmk if you’d like more long bullet scenarios like this (or shorter lol)

  • AGE 5
  • you’re a cute kid
  • but you’re three years younger than your brother and his friends so they don’t think so
  • but does that stop you from interrupting their play dates and hangouts until you’re well into high school? no, of course not
  • you’re insufferable
  • just like your brother, tooru

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