#iwaizumi hajime x yn



the waiting game.

SUMMARY ever since you knew about your feelings for your brother’s best friend, you knew you’d wait for him. no matter how many times he might’ve rejected you, you’d wait for him.

PAIRING iwaizumi hajime x fem!reader

GENRE fluff/slight angst/humor; you’re waiting for a guy for thirteen years (don’t do that irl unless it’s iwaizumi), brother!oikawa, you’re stubborn as heck (and a simp)


LENGTH 9.2k words (my finger slipped)

A/N woo i churned this out in two days, i can’t even believe- anyway, i hope you like this!! this is based on american school systems since im from the us :) lmk if you’d like more long bullet scenarios like this (or shorter lol)

  • AGE 5
  • you’re a cute kid
  • but you’re three years younger than your brother and his friends so they don’t think so
  • but does that stop you from interrupting their play dates and hangouts until you’re well into high school? no, of course not
  • you’re insufferable
  • just like your brother, tooru

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annoying: chapter 13

iwaizumi hajime has hated you, his assistant athletic trainer, since he knew you in high school. you on the other hand have bothered him for fun for as long as you knew him, not realizing your romantic feelings for him had manifested in that way. what happens when you two blockheads finally come to terms with how you feel?

a/n: this is one of my FAVORITE chapters so i hope y’all enjoy :)


“good morning sleepyhead,” suna’s voice sounds from behind you, and you groan in protest at the thought of having to fully wake up. you hear him chuckle behind you, his arms around your waist tightening so that your back is pressed fully against his chest.

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annoying: chapter 11

iwaizumi hajime has hated you, his assistant athletic trainer, since he knew you in high school. you on the other hand have bothered him for fun for as long as you knew him, not realizing your romantic feelings for him had manifested in that way. what happens when you two blockheads finally come to terms with how you feel?




y/n and suna ^^^

do i sense jealousy coming soon from iwa? and YES Y/N!!! you are a bad bitch also i love bo, tsumu, and yaku best friends ever


written segment:

y/n’s pov

you sit outside of his apartment waiting for him to open the door, the breeze outside was a pleasant surprise. you soon hear the lock click and the door open, being greeted with iwaizumi behind it. “hey iwa! how’s it going?” you smile as he motions you in with his hands. “it’s going well, sorry i didn’t get some of it clean, oikawa likes to come mess up my place from time to time.” he scratches the back of his head while you laugh at his statement. “that’s perfectly fine iwa.” he takes in your outfit with his eyes and a tint of red paints his cheeks. he walks over to the couch inviting you to come join him, “you can sit wherever you’d like, i don’t mind,” accompanied with a smile. you decide to sit in the middle of the couch while he plops down next to you, still at a comfortable distance.

“what kind of movie do you want to watch?” he focuses on the tv biting his bottom lip in concentration. your eyes light up at the question and you respond, “ooou can we watch a horror movie?” he slowly turns his head and shakes it from one side to the other, “i hate horror movies.” you continue to look him in the eyes puffing out your bottom lip. “i-i uh well,, i guess i can’t say no can i?” he closes his eyes as you respond to him, “nope, not at all.” after convincing him to watch a horror movie he finally picks one that he doesn’t think will be too scary. (yeah it’s a scary scary movie)

as the movie goes on iwaizumi seems to inch closer to you until your arms and legs are touching, you can visibly see him jump every time the music gets ominous. you smile knowing that this next jump scare is the worst one in the movie. it soon arrived and iwaizumi yelps as he hides his face in the crook of your neck, his arms wrapping tightly around your body. “aww iwaaa, are you that scared?” you feel him starting to pout on your shoulder so you pull his face away from your shoulder. he looks away trying to hide the deep blush creeping up on his face. “here, lift up.” he pulls his back from the couch and you start rubbing circles on his shoulders. “t-thank you.” the blush on his face gets worse than before.

soon enough the movies over and iwaizumi is asleep on your lap, slight snores escaping his lips. you look at his peaceful face and start running your fingers through his hair. you grab your phone and text the group chat that he’s one not a serial killer and two you’re safe and he’s asleep. after you text the group chat you decide to watch another movie. towards the end of the second movie he starts moving around. “hey, i’m sorry did i fall asleep?” his just woke up voice rang through your ears. “uhh, y-yeah i just uh watched another movie.” he nods and sits up, making your lap feel cold again. “i normally don’t fall asleep on people like that,” he scratches the back of his head, “just uh people i trust.” he smiles and looks towards you, “thanks for not stealing my kidneys by the way, you a real one.”

“would you want to watch a funny movie, since you were so scared of the horror movie?” you sarcastically turn your head towards him as he tries to stifle a laugh. “i mean. i’m down.” halfway through the movie you start feeling sleepy, your eyes closing on their own, drifting off to sleep.

iwaizumi’s pov

i feel a weight on my shoulder and look over to see y/n fast asleep. i smile and pull her closer to me so that her head is more comfortable on my chest. she grumbles in her sleep and i try not to laugh at the soft snores coming from her. i decide to run my fingers through her hair soothing both me and her. i feel the same blush as earlier creeping up once again, just the picture of her in my arms is enough to make me blush. i smile and lay my head back on the cushion slowly falling asleep too.

y/n’s pov

you begin to wake up, trying to get up to check your phone but feel weighted down. noticing that your laying on iwaizumis chest and his arms are wrapped around you, small rhythmic breaths escaping his lips. you try and move out of his grasp but he keeps pulling you back and mumbling the same phrase, “please don’t leave.” (i mean how could you leave with iwaizumi being all soft) you poke his face and he wakes up with a gasp, “hey iwa, it’s just me dummy.” he looks down and starts laughing, “oh, you scared me.” now it was your turn to laugh at his stoic response. “gosh i guess we both fell asleep huh?” he turns his head to meet your gaze, messy hair, dried drool, and heavy lidded eyes. “yeah, you look like you got hit by a bus.” he laughs and lightly punches you in the arm. (which sends you flying across the room to break your back jk)

“anyways, mrs. i wake up looking cute after a nap, are you hungry? we didn’t eat dinner.” he lays his head on your shoulder continuing to play with your hair. “aww iwa, you think i’m cute? but yeah i am getting a little hungry.” he blushes once again at your remark nodding in your shoulder, once he sits up he offers his hand so you take it. he grabs his jacket, one for you, and his keys then leads you out of the door. “where are we going?” you laugh grabbing his hand tighter, interlacing your fingers. “it’s a secret.” he holds his other hand to his mouth. you guys went to mcdonald’s in the end and went to a park to eat it. he fed you fries and chicken nuggets and laughed at stories of your friends. in the end you thought it was a perfect day and thought you should do this more often, with him. “hey, iwaizumi, uh can i call you by your first name?” you look over to him. “oh, uh, yes, yeah you can, i would really like that actually.” you smile and nod, “alright hajime.”

#5 late night thoughts

⭐️ masterlist


a/n | wowowowow this one is probably my favorite one so far, like who doesn’t wanna go to mcdonald’s with iwaizumi also the whole hajime thing was really cute to me so i was like, let’s add it. anyways i hope you guys liked this one

oh to have a movies and cuddles date with iwa and fall asleep wrapped in iwa’s arms

“baby steps” 

iwaizumi x reader

genre: domestic fluff (dad/husband iwa)

note: here comes my baby fever word vomit. this also had not been edited.

about fifteen months ago, you told iwaizumi that you were pregnant with his child through the phone as he was at work. you remember ushijima of all people answering hesitantly informing you that your husband had needed a minute, having just fainted.

he’d ended the training with the team early, rushing back to you, engulfing you in his arms the moment he saw you. since then, he took care of you, helping you through out the struggles of pregnancy: holding your hair back whenever you had morning sickness and concocting whatever food you craved, no matter how gross. 

six months ago, he held your hand in the delivery room as you gave birth to your daughter. after nearly ten hours of labor, you held your daughter in your arms. looking over to your side, iwaizumi was too shocked to even express himself. his glassy eyes giving away his emotions. 

“hajime,” you cooed, just as speechless as him. in your arms you cradled the small infant as iwaizumi’s arm wrapped around her. looking at him with a soft gaze, you brought her to him, “hold her, love.” 

he held his breath, holding her like she was made of glass. you watched, your felt the same flutter in your heart when you first met your husband. iwaizumi smiled, both to you and to your daughter, finally letting go of a sigh. he leaned towards her, gently placing a kiss on her forehead. over the moon was an understatement. 

iwaizumi looks at you lovingly, “i love you.” he reminds you, and you return the feeling. iwaizumi lets a single joyous tear run down his cheek, “i love us.”he mentions the new human resting in his arms. 

now, six long, sleepless months after that, your daughter, mizuki, is just over a year old. iwaizumi can’t believe it, it feels like he just blinked his eyes and his little girl was already getting so much bigger. 

he’s seen all the milestones, her first word, which he proudly reminds everyone were ‘da-da’ to which you only teased: “nine months of pregnancy, ten hours of labor only for her to like you more.” 

now, your daughter, stands between the two of you in her nursery, it’s past her bedtime and the olympics start tomorrow. everyone of you should be in bed but both you and iwaizumi watch her with wide eyes. 

“get your camera haji.” you instruct him. she’s been close to taking her first steps for a while, was this really going to be it? 

“come to da-da, mizuki.” he calls, his arms wide and ready to catch her in case she trots over to him and falls. to which she giggles at her name being said. mizuki took one step and both of you cheered with glee. 

iwaizumi was still recording, another step, you sat behind her, encouraging her to go towards iwaizumi. a big smile was displayed across your face as she finally made it, her last steps being more of hopes. 

“she did it! she did it!” you both chanted, iwaizumi gave her a big kiss to the forehead ending the video. you sat back, watching with happy tears forming in your eyes. 

mizuki was clapping her hands, joining in on the excitement as she sat in iwaizumi’s arm. the two of you stood and he brought you and his daughter in for one big hug. 

he too, was feeling all the emotions he assumed his own parents felt when he took his first steps. it was a moment he didn’t think he’d ever experience with anything else. he kissed your lips, adrenaline pumping through your veins. 

you praised your daughter, catching iwaizumi staring at you. you grinned, unaware of the thought on his mind. 

he was so in love with not just you but with the family you two had created. that no matter how things went down at the olympics tommrow, that this would be his happiest, proudest moments. 
