

After @camargo_oly working on my jerk for weeks (#bless), I am absolutely feeling a difference under the bar. This is my most technically sound C&J to date. Video is first of a set of triples at 39 kilos, 86 pounds (an previous PR!). #DannyMadeMeDoIt #GainTrain #TootToot #IWillWhatIWant #IDoWhatIWant #Clean #Jerk #CleanAndJerk #Olylifting #OlyConcepts #BlueDynasty (at Camargo Oly Concepts)

Got to load up with some big girl kilos for my workout this evening. Back squats for 4x6 at 70%. I’m officially pooped. #squat #kilos #olylifting #olympiclifting #gainz #girlgainz #gymgirl #snatch #corestrength #barbellife #lifting #iwillwhatiwant #idowhatiwant (at Camargo Oly Concepts)

#iwillwhatiwant    #gymgirl    #olylifting    #barbellife    #corestrength    #olympiclifting    #lifting    #idowhatiwant    #snatch    #girlgainz    