#iz skooge


Invader Dib Dump 2


Zim and Tak are cousins-in-law. The Mayors, Red and Purple (Rory and Patrick?) unfortunately find themselves babysitting the problematic gremlins despite being very busy town leaders. Tak and Zim don’t seem to understand that being Mayor is an elected position and not a next-in-line monarchy they think they’re entitled to inherit. 

Tenn might have a crush on Tak. Tak doesn’t want to associate with her because she’s friends with Zim. Oh the drama. 

Announcer Ahmed handles all of the Mayors’ media and announcements. 

Lorcan “Sizzle” is the cafeteria chef/monitor at the school. Zim annoys the hell out of him being a privileged little kid who thinks he’s gonna be mayor. Sizz knows exactly where Zim is gonna end up though; as his future fry cook and cashier who gets to deal with all the angry customers. 

Mr. Nar (and the rest of the Resisty) are this universe’s Swollen Eyeball group. He is also Zim’s class teacher at school obsessed with conspiracy theories; thinking the Mayors up to top-secret cover-ups of supernatural and confidential information. Zim figured out Nar’s identity through Swollen Eyeball and pesters the heck out him. Invader Dib goes to class with Zim, and whatever disguise he uses seems to fool Mr. Nar, so Nar doesn’t take Zim seriously. He tends to discard all of Zim’s essays regarding Dib being an alien. Poor Zim. Lard Nar’s human design inspired by this

Some of the human names are a little silly, but eh- I decided to go with ‘em 
