#tallest purple



( Irken x child shippers dni )

★ For Invader Zim exclusive content, please follow me at: @burroestelar

I wasn’t planning on posting more IZ on this account, but given the circumstances, I think this video is going to need some extra boost. I’m working very hard to make my career as an online artist sustainable, but the algorithm is just so unkind to my work.

I want to create more original animations after this one, so please, if you can give it watch and/or share it, I’d really, really appreciate it ❤


★ Invader Zim © Nickelodeon / Jhonen Vasquez
Artwork © Silvia Torres 2021

Even at the stage of watching the series, I noticed one cool detail - Red constantly teases and teases Purple. And I’m just like, Hmmm… And this is a great ground for abuse!

Еще на этапе просмотра сериала я заметил одну прикольную деталь - Рэд постоянно подтрунивает и подкалывает Перпла. И я просто такой - Хммм… А это отличная почва для абьюза!

Redraw the screenshot! I still wonder why the hell he needed that disguise. And today is exactly a year since I have been a member of the most beautiful fandom in my madness!

Редрав скриншота! Я до сих пор ломаю голову нахрена ему нужна была эта маскировка. А еще сегодня ровно год как я состою в самом прекрасном в своем безумии фандоме!

Yesterday was the 20th anniversary of our favorite TV series and fandom! If I’d been hit just a little earlier, I probably would have done it yesterday. :3

In any case, I congratulate all my fandom friends on our common little holiday :D

Вчера состоялась 20-я годовщина нашего любимого сериала и фандома! Если бы меня вштырило ну чуть чуть раньше, то я вероятнее всего бы успел это еще вчера :3

В любом случае, поздравляю всех товарищей по фандому с нашим общим маленьким праздником :D

Zim Junior

I’m sorry… the Invader Zim comics can’t just drop THISand walk away from it

…anyway Zim saved his smeet and he and Dib share custody now

Invader Dib Dump 2


Zim and Tak are cousins-in-law. The Mayors, Red and Purple (Rory and Patrick?) unfortunately find themselves babysitting the problematic gremlins despite being very busy town leaders. Tak and Zim don’t seem to understand that being Mayor is an elected position and not a next-in-line monarchy they think they’re entitled to inherit. 

Tenn might have a crush on Tak. Tak doesn’t want to associate with her because she’s friends with Zim. Oh the drama. 

Announcer Ahmed handles all of the Mayors’ media and announcements. 

Lorcan “Sizzle” is the cafeteria chef/monitor at the school. Zim annoys the hell out of him being a privileged little kid who thinks he’s gonna be mayor. Sizz knows exactly where Zim is gonna end up though; as his future fry cook and cashier who gets to deal with all the angry customers. 

Mr. Nar (and the rest of the Resisty) are this universe’s Swollen Eyeball group. He is also Zim’s class teacher at school obsessed with conspiracy theories; thinking the Mayors up to top-secret cover-ups of supernatural and confidential information. Zim figured out Nar’s identity through Swollen Eyeball and pesters the heck out him. Invader Dib goes to class with Zim, and whatever disguise he uses seems to fool Mr. Nar, so Nar doesn’t take Zim seriously. He tends to discard all of Zim’s essays regarding Dib being an alien. Poor Zim. Lard Nar’s human design inspired by this

Some of the human names are a little silly, but eh- I decided to go with ‘em 


So we were on a script reading session for A Very Tall Problem yesterday and…

Red art by @lbskrill

Medea arts by @shandziiand@jelzyart


Second Invader Zim MAP scene for the cancelled episode “10 Minutes to Doom”, in which I got the chance to reanimate the first part of the intro!

Youtube video

Click for quality!

Did a sketchdump of Purple like the one I did of Red! The meme-y ones will get their own posts later.

Here’s Red if ya wanna check him out ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ

Reblogs save lives

WTF 2019 art get me outa here
