#i’d buy that in a heartbeat



A note from Lucy: so while this isn’t a “IM BACK FROM THE DEAD PEOPLE LISTEN UP BECAUSE BOY DO I HAVE A LOT OF STORIES TO TELL”, it’s much more rather “a peace offering from the writing gods”. However, that’s not to say I don’t have more on the way. On currently writing for another fandom at the moment. I’ve got an outer banks fanfiction out called Transient that is love for you all to read. It’s over on my AO3 and the account is called mild_kleptomaniac. That it for now. Hopefully, I’ll have a few more updates sooner rather than later. But I can’t promise much as I’m eating to finish Transient fist. Love you all so much! Thank you for this who have paitienlt waited by my side while I wrote this and many more. This one is a special one for Liz (@codename7). Not for any particular reason other than for her constant support in me and what I love to do.

The Finer Things

Todoroki Shouto x (GN) Reader:

WC: 0.3K

TWs: N/A

Part One,Part Two,Part Three,Part Four, Part Five

It has only just occurred to me why they say ‘inlove’. You are fully submerged and surrounded by your devotion to another. How do you do it? Are you thaumaturgical? Is this that I think it is!

Humans have a very silly habit of diluting feelings into words. Apparently, it makes it easier to digest. This habit of ours is so easy to slip into that we never recognise spin it ourselves.I believe it is completely ridiculous because feelings aren’t meant to be easy. It’s how we determine what is worth our time and if we want to continue living in those feelings. It’s based on a gut feeling.

For we are only human in each other’s eyes, I see delight in the littlest of actions and things others deem to be common;  Fresh strawberries and white cream laid out on a gingham blanket. Soft silk woven into clothes you drape over arms, shoulders and chest. The natural skipping of a heart that is synchronised to my breath and my breath only. To me, that’s what I want to name bliss.

Home is not where I am. Home is wherever you may be. Settle your roots into the soft ground and let that earthy musk cover its blanket of green leaves and a summer breeze. You make us at home. No roof can compare to the

shelter you give us every day just by encompassing us with your arms. Let that warmth in your embrace lull us to sleep so we may never wake again unless we can down eternity in this extinct state.

You and I both know it cannot last forever. But we both find solace in short moments of relaxation. For now it is enough. Though I cannot pretend in false hopes and hold a fragile faith in a false god to wish it not so.

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Comments and reblogs are really appreciated as I crave validation and my will to write is a dying species. (Please, for the love of God help me out!)

©️lovers-liability 2021 - Under no circumstances may you republish anywhere or use as material for ASMR audios.

I’m genuinely crying rn
