#i’m hoping it’ll take place in the past


you know what there has to be a DLC coming out actually. there’s just way too much abt the werewolves left up in the air.

  • Silas and Eliza’s origins are still unknown. Silas is the first werewolf in the pov of the characters, but it’s never explained to us how he became a werewolf. was he born like that? how?? did he get turned into one? by who?? is it smthg else entirely? then what??
  • the Hacketts didn’t come up with the ways to defeat werewolves. while i personally theorize they figured out the blood trick on their own, judging by Travis’ confusion about the rhyming poem, the Hacketts weren’t the ones to create it. who did? and how long ago? who engraved those words on the wall of Laura’s cell?

like there’s just so much left that Supermassive has to be planning to release a DLC or mini game that further goes into the lore, similar to what they did with the Inpatient.
