#lexi plays the quarry


i wake up, i hear it. i go abt my day, it follows me. i go to sleep, it’s in my dreams

“pop pop peanut butter butter pops, pop pop pop ‘em in your moooouuutthhhh” will never let my soul rest again.

Laura and Jed:

before i started The Quarry i saw Ryan’s character get a lot of hate / negative reception. so i went in fully prepared to defend him at all costs bc “y’all are probably exaggerating and just being hateful as always”

but now that i’m actually playing it…. fine. maybe y’all do have a point. I GUESS


i’m abt to do my 3rd playthrough. my first was blind, my 2nd was the most ideal as i managed to save all the counselors and end the curse.

now i really wanna try an “all infected” run, except make it an “all infected but saved at the last moment” one. meaning none of the counselors die, and i still shoot Chris and Silas. i’m nervous bc i feel like that might be extremely hard to do as i have to intentionally miss specific QTEs to make sure everyone gets bit but not mauled.

i just finished it and that was so fun!! i now also think getting Kaitlyn and Dylan infected is the only way to ensure the max amount of ppl survive.

i love max and laura but gotdamn their section feels way too long on replays

i missed the QTE for Jacob to catch his phone and Nick felt so bad abt it, i felt bad for making him feel bad. dude was heartbroken thinking he fucked up Jacob’s phone aww

you know what there has to be a DLC coming out actually. there’s just way too much abt the werewolves left up in the air.

  • Silas and Eliza’s origins are still unknown. Silas is the first werewolf in the pov of the characters, but it’s never explained to us how he became a werewolf. was he born like that? how?? did he get turned into one? by who?? is it smthg else entirely? then what??
  • the Hacketts didn’t come up with the ways to defeat werewolves. while i personally theorize they figured out the blood trick on their own, judging by Travis’ confusion about the rhyming poem, the Hacketts weren’t the ones to create it. who did? and how long ago? who engraved those words on the wall of Laura’s cell?

like there’s just so much left that Supermassive has to be planning to release a DLC or mini game that further goes into the lore, similar to what they did with the Inpatient.

i’m abt to do my 3rd playthrough. my first was blind, my 2nd was the most ideal as i managed to save all the counselors and end the curse.

now i really wanna try an “all infected” run, except make it an “all infected but saved at the last moment” one. meaning none of the counselors die, and i still shoot Chris and Silas. i’m nervous bc i feel like that might be extremely hard to do as i have to intentionally miss specific QTEs to make sure everyone gets bit but not mauled.

probably one of my favorite aspects about The Quarry are how the “villains” are handled. even saying “villains” feels ill fitting, they all just feel like separate factions with different (but similar) goals.

  • “how are the counselors villains” you ask? ill tell you. theyre not villains in that theyre purposely antagonizing the Hacketts, but they are obstacles.the Hacketts have had a solid routine for about 6 years. go out to look for Silas in the desperate hope to cure their family members. and on the one night they decide to take a risk and let their werewolf relatives loose, hoping theyd lead the human Hacketts to Silas, these young clueless teens not only stay seated right in the line of fire, but proceed to have a very loud partyin the middle of the damn woods.
  • they are obstacles in that now instead of aimlessly scouring through the woods, the werewolf Hacketts have just been handed a campfire-shaped-coupon to an all-you-can-eat-buffet. not only is this fucking up the entire plan, but now theres the danger of these counselors possibly getting infected and creating even morewerewolves!
  • with this said, The Counselors arent onlyobstacles tho. theyre just unaware! Jacob had no idea about the werewolves when he sabotaged the car, nor did Dylan when he suggested a party, and neither did Laura and Max when they kept going to the quarry in the prologue. this group is not outwardly malicious or purposely trying to be obnoxious. they just dont know theres real actual monsters out there. who would?!

  • how the werewolves are antagonists is pretty obvious i think.
  • but how they arent,isnt! even tho im neutral on their design, the writing behind the werewolves is amongst my favorite out of all the creatures Supermassive has written about so far. theyre mindless creatures with no recollection of their human selves. Nick could damn well be in love with Abi, doesnt matter bc if you miss that shot, hes goingto rip her head off. the wolves are a legitimate danger, one you have no control over, but despite that, you dont want tokill them bc fuck theyre your FRIENDS and you knowtheres a way to change them back!
  • i dont want to compare but for example, in Until Dawn, there is no way to save Hannah, girl has just got to go. in Man of Medan, 90% of your attackers are the other playable characters, so just choose to chill out and youll be fine. in The Quarry, neither apply to the werewolves. your loved ones willattack you and you mustdefend yourself, but how far will you go to do so? will you kill them with silver to permanently end the threat? even tho they wouldve been back to normal by morning and couldve even been cured? or will you go easy on them, but risk getting infected yourself, or even worse, eaten alive?
  • its just so COMPLEX! you want to protect your loved ones, but the “loved one in danger” is constantly changing depending on which person a wolf is hunting down and which wolf is beinghunted down. god, its one of my favorite things about the game!!
  • how the Hacketts are antagonists is pretty simple. theyre trying to attack your ass. Bobby stabs Ryan and he mustbecome infected to survive. Travis can murder Laura out of revenge, and Constance can shoot Laura out of annoyance. Chris and Caleb are werewolves who if you dontkill, will kill you(or just die in Caleb’s case).and this family has a bizarre tendency to just kidnap ppl without a word! Travis kept Laura and Max locked up for two months and barely told them anything! not until Laura “proved” her loyalty and intelligence. Bobby and Jed kidnap Jacob also without a word, not giving a shit about his pleas.
  • i mean ffs its their fault werewolves are even a danger in the first place. they burned down the Harum Scarum Traveling Show and let Silas loose. the Hacketts are major assholes.
  • how the Hacketts arent just antagonists are where things get complicated. for starters, yes the Traveling Show burning down is their fault. butif you have Laura and Travis survive to the end, you learn that it was done out of child-like ignorance. Kaylee and Caleb were young and didnt approve of Silas’ treatment, so they came up with the well intended plan to start a fire and help him escape. unaware of how quickly a fire spreads or that a bite from Silas would ruin their fucking lives.
  • in the present day, the Hacketts kidnap the counselors to either protect them or just get them out of the way (or both). they go about it in a really fucked up way, but theyre not tryingto hurt them, quite the opposite, they just have the worst social skills in the gotdamn world. the Hacketts only turn outwardly aggressive after Laura kills Kaylee. the family feels immense grief and officially stops giving a shit, wanting to make Laura suffer as much as possible, especially as shes infected andtrying to kill Chris.
  • the Hacketts are assholes, but they werent alwayslike this and dont want to belike this.

everyone in the game just wants to move on with their lives, but they all have different ways of going about it and a lot of them directly conflict with one another. “whos the villain” changes depending on which pov youre looking through. its so interesting and so well done, and i love it a lot.
