#i’m so done let’s just get a new president plz


Gen Z is

Creating a numbered list on why trump is the worst president to date

  1. He is racist
  2. He is homophobic
  3. He is transphobic
  4. He literally almost started a World War
  5. He committed multiple cases of sexual assault on multiple women
  6. He had a guide on how to handle a pandemic and he threw it out
  7. He fired everyone he could that opposed him
  8. He’s a pedophile
  9. He’s mysogonistic
  10. He paid people to lie for him in court
  11. He declared an ideology a terrorist organization (which is so much dumber than you may think)
  12. Anything “good” thing that happened during his presidency, Obama started
  13. He blames everything on Obama
  14. He blatantly told medical officials that they didn’t have to treat trans patients
  15. He attempted to get rid of everything Obama did
  16. He most likely has dementia
  17. He is pretty much a diagnosed psychopath
  18. He does all of his public announcements on Twitter
  19. He told a massive population to inject themselves with bleach
  20. He is trying to declare martial law (which will strip away a lot of rights)
  21. He bombed a middle eastern country for almost no reason.
  22. He said Obama would start a war so he could stay president, then turned around and almost did it
  23. He threatened to slaughter protesters
  24. He has terrible tantrums
  25. He barred trans citizens to join the military
  26. He told the police to tear gas and shoot the protesters with rubber bullets so he could take a picture
  27. He cut funding to the WHO
  28. He continues to ridicule his fellow candidates
  29. He sided with white supremacists
  30. He encourages police brutality
  31. He has little to no regard to the democratic side of the country
  32. He called Neo-natzis “very fine people”
  33. He caused another economic depression
  34. He had impeachment hearings
  35. He committed SEVERE tax fraud
  36. He encouraged violence on democrats (including the armed forces)
  37. He demanded his son to have security clearance to top secret information for no reason
  38. He ordered the holding children in cages in ICE
  39. He literally told more lies than truths during his public announcements (not even joking)
  40. He discredits every single news station except for Fox News (which is ran by far right groups)
  41. He denied any money to help Puerto Rico (a US territory) any money after hurricane Maria (which killed 4,000 people)
  42. He blatantly lied in court
  43. He committed about 1,000 ‘obstruction of justice’ crimes that never went to trial (it was about russian interference in the 2016 election)
  44. He started a trade war with China
  45. He was very closely connected with the Keffery Epstein child trafficking Circle
  46. The bombing in point 21 was made without congressional approval (on multiple occasions btw)
  47. He backed a protest of the quarantine but completely opposed the BLM movement
  48. He called millions of people thugs for no reason
  49. He blames an organization for looting with no factual evidence whatsoever
  50. The ideology that he said was a terrorist organization is opposing fascism, which we are very close to becoming
  51. If we would compile all of the crimes he did, he would have 4,195 years of jail time (I was very lenient with that math. VERY lenient)
  52. He was the indirect cause of 1.5 million deaths