#i’m so in love

Chillin with bae

Chillin with bae

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how they love her, their wanda, their scarlet witch. how they love, and is loved by her.

I didn’t have any classes with you today. I didn’t see you, not for a second, during school hours. It wasn’t ideal, but I know you and I both had things to do.

After a long day of testing and missing your class, the bell rang for dismissal. I headed to the band hall. Passing through small crowds of people, I wondered about what time my ride would arrive. That was when I turned the corner. 

Across the hall, sitting on some bright stairs in an empty hallway through the corridor, was none other than you. You looked absolutely beautiful, as always. Your outfit was on point, and you presented it stunningly, even at the end of the day. Almost makes me disappointed that I wouldn’t have gotten to see it had I not caught you right then. 

You sat on the steps idly as you’ve done many times before, looking down at your phone, doing whatever you willed. It was the bare minimum of everything you could be doing, and yet my heart still lurched to say a simple hello, talk to you, maybe even give you a hug. Anything at all, as long as I got to interact with you, at the very least, briefly. 

Not very long after I spotted you, without a warning, your head shot straight up from your phone. I don’t have a clue why, but the action led your eyes to fall right on me. Standing across the hall, band binder in one arm, gazing right back. My eyes widened a little bit. My heart began to race. You did nothing but stare since you first saw me. Your phone was now resting loosely in your relaxed arms, which now laid on your lap. 

There was no expression on your face. Neither was there on mine. We just looked at each other for the first time in what felt like a long while. I hesitated slightly, lingering just beside the corner to get one final look at you, before getting timid and taking the turn. Your head never moved once since it came up. The interaction never left my mind since. 

Maybe it’s my brain playing tricks on me, but I can’t help but ask myself whether you were just as invested in seeing me as I was seeing you. It was only a day, of course, but it felt like ages to me. It’s funny what love does to people. 
