#i’m so proud


Our queen Tricia Motel is the first queen from Drag Race to reach 1M subs on YouTube! Congrats to our talented mom

Mon Knight Finale: Finally!

Ya’ll I’ve had this meme on hold for three weeks! But we got ‘em! We finally met Jake! (Khonshu you sneaky old buzzard…) But for real, I hope future Moon Knight projects (second season? I hope…) show that Jake isn’t “evil”. That’s kinda ableist. I honestly hope he is written like Louis from Ducktales 17. They called him the “evil triplet” but he really was just clever but more willing to trick people. He had the street smarts. I hope Jake will be the same way.

In the meantime I love how Marc went back for Steven! And Steven! I’m so proud of you Baby! For negotiating the deal with Khonshu (oh you are going to be so mad when you find out about Jake…) to fighting the bad guys with Marc. You did so good!!!

This is the only digital drawing I’ve made of the guardian


Jodie Comer as Tessa Ensler in her West End one woman show Prima Facie.


Bad Bunny won Best Latin Pop/Urban Album with YHLQMDLG !!!!!


LOVE ON TOUR - Glasgow, Uk • June 11

Photographed by Anthony Pham
