#my babiiiiiiies

AYYYYS rjdgjkdtgjtf OMG They’re so beautiful <3<3<3<3<3@vivziepopAYYYYS rjdgjkdtgjtf OMG They’re so beautiful <3<3<3<3<3@vivziepop

AYYYYS rjdgjkdtgjtf OMG They’re so beautiful <3<3<3<3<3


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Mon Knight Finale: Finally!

Ya’ll I’ve had this meme on hold for three weeks! But we got ‘em! We finally met Jake! (Khonshu you sneaky old buzzard…) But for real, I hope future Moon Knight projects (second season? I hope…) show that Jake isn’t “evil”. That’s kinda ableist. I honestly hope he is written like Louis from Ducktales 17. They called him the “evil triplet” but he really was just clever but more willing to trick people. He had the street smarts. I hope Jake will be the same way.

In the meantime I love how Marc went back for Steven! And Steven! I’m so proud of you Baby! For negotiating the deal with Khonshu (oh you are going to be so mad when you find out about Jake…) to fighting the bad guys with Marc. You did so good!!!

Mini Mon Knight Theory and a thought

I think I’ve moved into the bargaining stage of grief (STEVEN!!! MY BABY!!! ) so here’s the shred of hope I’ve latched onto. I found this pic online and it’s not something we’ve seen yet, so it has to be from Episode 6. Now call me crazy, but I think this is Steven. I know he’s in the Moon Knight suit, but I think he’s taken control briefly. It’s just giving me Steven vibes. I think he’s going to seriously consider taking Harrow’s life but Marc will talk him down. (Or vice versa maybe! Maybe this is how it’ll be revealed to Marc that Steven is still with him). I think this moment will be a callback to the moment in episode 5 where Steven asks Marc why he remembers everyone he killed. Marc replied by telling him, “you try taking a life”. I think Steven will be back because this is his story as much as it is Marc’s. And this would be a crucial step in their combined hero’s journey. Choosing not to kill Harrow and redefining their deal with Khonshu.

As for the thought I’ve had, Marc (and Jake by extension) make the world think they’re this big tough cool guy . But the fact that Steven is the one that Marc wanted to have a happy normal life is interesting. He let Steven be a smart, excitable nerd that was based on a cheesy adventure movie they watched as kids right down to his name. Meaning Marc is a secret nerd because what makes him happy is reading, and nostalgia and action figures and pet goldfish. Secret nerds are hot.

my babiiiiiiiesmy babiiiiiiies