#jack bauer


Jack Bauer Dikrats / Father from The Trail to Oregon! drinks bathwater!

Requested by: anonymous

Oh Jack Bauer, if only you’d read English 2 English before filming your latest episodes… 

The London season of 24 does flirt with tea-towel cliches. “I just love this city. You can feel the history,” says the US president, whose presence in the city for a treaty signing provides the plot. And, while there are the inevitable sky-line shots of St Paul’s and the gherkin, the producers seem to have overcome the amazement of so many film-makers that public transport is double-decked and brightly coloured.

So we can at least be grateful to the London season of 24 for introducing a fresh set of cliches about the city. If there isn’t a red bus on every corner, there is a red under every bed. The scriptwriters take the “Londonistan” view of the Queen’s hometown. From the presumably ominous opening shot of a mosque, London is presented as a hot-bed of potential subversion, with gangs working on a cyber-terrorism “devices” in tower blocks and a Julian Assange-type and his disciples plotting to expose state secrets.
