#jack pearson


Last night’s episode of “This is Us” was so emotional and so great!!! :’D  Made me cry so much. I still can’t believe we have one episode left as I’m going to miss this show so much. Also great to see Dule Hill guest star as I’ve loved him for years from both “The West Wing” and “Psych”. Also funny “Psych” connections as their 3rd movie was called “This is Gus” as a parody of the show (and they did a parody poster LOL) but this also aired on “Tuesday the 17th” which is a classic “Psych” episode/holiday for the fans so that was awesome. 

- This is quite sad, isn’t it? The end?- Oh, I don’t  know. The way I see it, if somethi

- This is quite sad, isn’t it? The end?

- Oh, I don’t  know. The way I see it, if something makes you sad when it ends, it must have been pretty wonderful when it was happening. Truth be told, I’ve always felt  it a bit lazy to just think of the world as sad because so much of it is. Because everything ends. Everything dies. But if you  step back… If you step  back and look at the whole picture… If you’re  brave enough to allow yourself the gift of a really wide perspective… If you do that, you’ll see that the end is not sad, Rebecca. It’s just the start of the next incredibly beautiful thing.


- Çok üzücü, değil mi? Son mu?

- Bilmem. Bana kalırsa bir şey bittiğinde seni üzüyorsa yaşanırken epey müthiş olmalı. Açıkçası, sırf çoğunluğu öyle diye dünyayı üzücü görmeyi hep biraz tembelce bulmuşumdur. Her şey bitiyor diye. Her şey ölüyor diye. Ama geriye adım atıp… Geriye adım atıp tüm resme bakarsan kendine gerçekten geniş bir bakış açısı ödülünü izin verecek kadar cesur olursan… Bunu yaparsan, sonun üzücü olmadığını görürsün Rebecca. Sadece sıradaki son derece güzel şeyin başlangıcıdır.

- This Is Us 6x17

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Will Jack and Rebecca make it to Round 2 of #ZimbioMarchMadness? Don’t forget to vote for them

Will Jack and Rebecca make it to Round 2 of #ZimbioMarchMadness? Don’t forget to vote for them here: http://ow.ly/UrG630iJd6W

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the this is us finale being centered on all of the little moments in life and how we spend most of our lives wishing we could go back in time to embrace those memories. yeah i’m never going to recover


Jack: Some people ask, “Why?” Kevin asks, “Why not?”

[cut to Kevin eating bubbles]


“You are my daily meteor shower.”

—Jack Pearson
