#jackal squad au

I’ve suddenly realized that if I’m going to make JackalSquad AU happen, I’ll have to draw Infinite.PI’ve suddenly realized that if I’m going to make JackalSquad AU happen, I’ll have to draw Infinite.PI’ve suddenly realized that if I’m going to make JackalSquad AU happen, I’ll have to draw Infinite.P

I’ve suddenly realized that if I’m going to make JackalSquad AU happen, I’ll have to draw Infinite.

Problem is, Infy’s got a ridiculous mane.

And my problem with that mane is that I can’t figure out how to draw it, for some reason.

I have to work on it.

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Хе…хе-хе. well. I love your version of jackal squad. even if i can’t remember their names. sorry. hehe. And yeah, that make sense that jackals is one the most genetic ‘pure’ species.

“ even if i can’t remember their names“ - ой да лан, не извиняйся =) я не знаю, кем надо быть, чтобы сходу запомнить шесть штук ОСов, которых я выкладываю пока только в виде дизайнов Х) 

тем более, что мои шакалы друг на друга более-менее похожи, даже мне приходится поднимать референсы, чтобы глянуть, кого как точно рисовать Х)

@our-end-is-so-near tagged as:

#also love eye colors #this is kinda wow not only yellow coooooooooooool

Can I just say that I love you? These guys are taking up so much of my brainspace and I’m dyingto share them with the world.

Anyway, yeah, I took advantage of the fact that not all of them was shown close enough to see their eyes in Rise of Infinite. Dirge and Blackout were only vague jackals shapes in the background, even! 

I headcanon that jackals don’t mix with other races all that much, so most of them have white hair and black fur. Yellow eyes are the most common, followed by black, brown and deep blue, while gray and sky blue eyes are much less common.

The Jackal Squad AU is going to happen eventually, so I’ve got to get the hang of drawing these guys

The Jackal Squad AU is going to happen eventually, so I’ve got to get the hang of drawing these guys.

Top row - Knockdown, Maverick, Ricochet

Bottom row - Ender, Dirge, Blackout

don’t have the energy to clean up/color this, but at least I’ve got their eye colors down, so yay

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