#reading tags



Thanks so much for the tag @caffeinatedstudies!

Hardcover or paberback / rent or buy/read in silence or read with music / standalone or series / annotations or pristine pages / e book or physical copy/dogearred or bookmarks / mismatched series or complete set /cover matters or you don’t judge / lend books or keep them to yourself / enjoys lit classes or despises them / browses shops or orders online /reads reviews or goes in blind /unreturned books or clean library record / rereads or once is enough / fanfic enthusiast or stickler for canon / deep reader or easily distracted / must read book before the movie or order doesn’t matter / has neat bookshelves or messy bookshelves / skips ahead or resists temptation/read aloud or in your head / guesses plot twists or never sees them coming

I love this so much! I tag @phdead@wedarkacademiaand@literaturencoffee!


to reply to the tag’s question of whether they have names: they do! the girl’s called flurry and the guy’s welter, niru kajitsu confirmed this themselves on the comment section

Hello fellow TJ fan! =D

And yeah, I know that the grey-skinned, yellow-haired duo is called Flurry and Welter! It’s just that the ending of the video kinda implies that those are more like personas that people wear when they partake in the persecution culture? Since there’s a second pair of them appearing, and the first one is revealed to be those two normal-looking humans.

So I’m wondering if those two, the redhead girl and the dark-haired guy, have names. 

Haven’t found any info so far.


Хе…хе-хе. well. I love your version of jackal squad. even if i can’t remember their names. sorry. hehe. And yeah, that make sense that jackals is one the most genetic ‘pure’ species.

“ even if i can’t remember their names“ - ой да лан, не извиняйся =) я не знаю, кем надо быть, чтобы сходу запомнить шесть штук ОСов, которых я выкладываю пока только в виде дизайнов Х) 

тем более, что мои шакалы друг на друга более-менее похожи, даже мне приходится поднимать референсы, чтобы глянуть, кого как точно рисовать Х)

@our-end-is-so-near tagged as:

#also love eye colors #this is kinda wow not only yellow coooooooooooool

Can I just say that I love you? These guys are taking up so much of my brainspace and I’m dyingto share them with the world.

Anyway, yeah, I took advantage of the fact that not all of them was shown close enough to see their eyes in Rise of Infinite. Dirge and Blackout were only vague jackals shapes in the background, even! 

I headcanon that jackals don’t mix with other races all that much, so most of them have white hair and black fur. Yellow eyes are the most common, followed by black, brown and deep blue, while gray and sky blue eyes are much less common.


when your mutual reblogs something with a full page of tags its like. girl (gender neutral) i am filling my mug with coffee and reading this like the morning paper. i am so interested in your thoughts on this post. i love you.

It’s been a little bit, but we are finally back with the weekly meme, WWW Wednesday!

WWW Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted by Sam from Taking on a World of Words.

WWW Wednesday invites you to ask just three simple questions:

  1. What are you reading?
  2. What did you just finish reading?
  3. What will you be reading next?

What are you reading?


I am finally picking up Prodigy after reading Legend back in December. I am taking advantage of the free time and picking this one up. So far it’s been pretty good, but the beginning has been a bit slow.

What did you just finish reading? 


So I took a Shakespeare class this semester and I have been wanting to read more of the bard’s works. I decided, on a whim, to pick up A Midsummer’s Night Dream. When I read Henry IV, Part I for class, I honestly can say that I could not remember a single thing that happened in that play even after finishing a scene, let alone an act. For me, when reading A Midsummer’s Night Dream, I had the exact same experience.

What will you read next? 

So I ordered Champion today, and I do not think that it will be here by the time that I finish Prodigy. In continuing with my trend of finishing series, if by the time I finish Prodigy, Champion has not arrived, I’ll most likely be picking up Evermore to finish the Everless duology.

There you have it, another WWW Wednesday! Hope you enjoyed it! What are you reading? What have you just finished and what are you planning on reading next? Let me know down in the comments below!

As always, happy reading!

#12 WWW Wednesday -5/20/20

It’s been a little bit, but we are finally back with the weekly meme, WWW Wednesday!

#12 WWW Wednesday -5/20/20 It’s been a little bit, but we are finally back with the weekly meme, WWW Wednesday!