#jackson smut



Friendly Persuasion (18+)

pairing(s): Jackson x YoungJae x fem! Reader


word count: 3.4K

warnings: Please don’t do any further if you’re not old enough!

A little insecurity about body image. Jackson is a sex god that helps his shy friend learn to satisfy his girlfriend. And there is badly written smut :)

You barged into the apartment and slammed the door shut. Jay B eyed you as you huffed.

“Where is Jackson,” you demanded. Jay B pointed to Jackson’s room and turned his attention back to his book. You stormed past him and down the hall to the closed door. You swung the door open without knocking. Throwing yourself on his bed with extra dramatic flair, you groaned into the pillow.

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I absolutely love this! I could write a 12 page essay on the benefits of being their gf and the wonders more stories like this–with them–would do for depression and stress. Like I am SHOOK and filled with love and adoration. I’m gonna cry. I swear on everything I own I will go nuts if I don’t find more jackjae x reader.

So cute! Lol Both of my babies #HubbyMark and #ZaddyJackson always make me smile❤
